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Jack Rusk

Deliver Us to the Lesser Evil: How Social Movements Bury Themselves in the Democratic Party

The Democratic Party has often been called “the graveyard of social movements,” and more often than not the social struggles in the United States end their useful lives digging their own graves in the DP, the alternative party of the capitalists.

Jack Rusk

July 28, 2017

Is Socialism Not a Struggle for Power?

Attempts to separate revolutionary authority from socialism mangle both the aims and history of socialism.

Jack Rusk

May 8, 2017

With Ellison Defeated, What Next for the Democratic Socialists of America?

Guest contributors Hart Eagleburger and Jack Rusk critically assess the position paper of the Left Caucus of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and the organizational dynamics and future of the DSA in the aftermath of Keith Ellison’s failed run for DNC chair.

Jack Rusk

March 1, 2017

Disappointing Reactions to the Anti-Milo Berkeley Antifa Action

Guest contributors Hart Eagleburger and Jack Rusk argue that commentators should avoid accusing the Black Bloc of being infiltrated by the right wing or police without any evidence, regardless of how one feels about the Black Bloc

Jack Rusk

February 16, 2017

General Strike: How the Working Class Takes Control

Since the Women’s March brought millions into the streets the Saturday after inauguration, there has been a rising clamor on social media for a ‘general strike’ against the Trump administration.

Jack Rusk

February 9, 2017

In Support of the Anti-Milo Berkeley Antifa Action

Shutting down fascists and racists is not a conflict about free speech but the means for organizing politically.

Jack Rusk

February 3, 2017

Towards a New Socialist Party

Continuing a series of articles on US politics and the left, guest contributors Hart Eagleburger and Jack Rusk argue that steps should be taken towards forming a new socialist party, given the opportunity of the present moment, which will grow out of real struggles of the working class.

Jack Rusk

January 25, 2017

Elections: A Small Piece of Socialist Strategy

Continuing a series of articles on US politics and the left, guest contributors Hart Eagleburger and Jack Rusk point to the inherent limits of electoral strategies, arguing that socialists should use elections only as an auxiliary tactic in a larger strategy of building working-class power.

Jack Rusk

January 13, 2017

Viewing Bernie Through Rose-Colored Glasses

Continuing a series of articles on US politics and the left, guest contributors Hart Eagleburger and Jack Rusk point to the Bernie Sanders campaign as an example of how Seth Ackerman’s ideas for electoral strategy sputter in practice.

Jack Rusk

January 7, 2017

A Blueprint for Compromise

Continuing a series of articles on US politics and the left, guest contributors Hart Eagleburger and Jack Rusk critically assess Seth Ackerman’s ‘Blueprint for a New Party’

Jack Rusk

December 27, 2016

The Opportunity of the Present Moment

Trump's ascension to power is weeks away. Left Voice presents a series by guest contributors on the current political conjuncture, the left, and prospects for party-building in the United States.

Jack Rusk

December 19, 2016