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Middle East-Africa

Bipartisan Support for Israeli Aggression Shows Leftists Must Break with the Democrats

Support for Israel’s bloody siege on Gaza is bipartisan. Now, more than ever, leftists need to break with the Democratic Party.

Otto Fors

October 24, 2023

Israeli Settlers and Soldiers Are Brutalizing Palestinians and Activists in the West Bank

Last week, the Israeli military detained, tortured, and sexually humiliated a group of Palestinians and leftist Israeli activists as part of a larger wave of attacks by Israelis in the West Bank.

A Brief History of Anti-Zionist Jews

We are told that the war in Gaza is the product of an ancient conflict between Israeli Jews and Palestinians. Yet there is a long history of Jewish socialists fighting against Zionism which offers lessons for today's struggle.

Nathaniel Flakin

October 21, 2023

Healthcare Workers Must Stand with Palestine

A U.S. funded humanitarian crisis is unfolding in Gaza as a result of Israel’s ongoing genocidal campaign. This crisis makes it all the more crucial for healthcare workers to stand with Palestine.

Mike Pappas

October 21, 2023

U.S. Hospitals Express “Concern” and “Horror” — Without Mentioning Palestinians

New York City hospitals sent out emails to the communities — without even mentioning Palestine. This comes as Israel’s bombing campaign has killed thousands and targeted healthcare workers and healthcare facilities.

Mike Pappas

October 17, 2023

The Israeli War on the Palestinian People

The U.S. and European allies have lined up behind the Israeli assault on Gaza. But uncertainty remains around Prime Minister Netanyahu's future, "normalization" with Arab states, and the fate of apartheid.

Claudia Cinatti

October 17, 2023

الحرب الاسرائيلية ضد الشعب الفلسطيني

تشن إسرائيل مجازر ذات أبعاد تاريخية. لئن تمركزت الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية وحلفائها الأوروبيين في صف الكيان الصهيوني، فإن مستقبل رئيس الوزراء نتنياهو، إضافة إلى "التطبيع" مع الدول العربية، و مصير الفصل العنصري، يظل مجهولا.

Claudia Cinatti

October 17, 2023

New York Healthcare Workers Stand in Solidarity with Palestine

This statement was drafted by rank-and-file healthcare workers in New York City. Fellow healthcare workers, unions, union caucuses, volunteers, students, and organizations in the healthcare field should feel free to sign on and share.

NYC Healthcare Workers

October 16, 2023

HRW Confirms Israel is Using a Weapon that Burns Skin Down to the Bone

The zionist state of Israel is using deadly white phosphorous bombs on Gaza, increasing the impact and suffering of their recent military intervention.

Molly Rosenzweig

October 14, 2023