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Chilean Dockers Call for General Strike

In the face of an ongoing state of emergency imposed by right-wing Chilean President Sebastián Piñera, members of the Dockworkers’ Union of Chile (UPC – Unión Portuaria De Chile) have not only begun to take strike action across the nation’s ports, but have also called on all workers to launch a nationwide general strike.

Sean Robertson

October 22, 2019

More than a Hundred Thousand Hold the Central Square in Chile, Despite a State of Emergency

All day, over 100,000 people have gathered at the Plaza Italia in Santiago. They are defying the government’s state of emergency and resisting the military’s attempts to clear the square. Live reporting from our sister site La Izquierda Diario Chile.

What’s Behind the Popular Uprising in Chile?

The explosive unrest in the streets of Chile is the backlash against decades of the most extreme neoliberal policies. The political regime inherited from the military dictatorship is in deep crisis.

Juan Cruz Ferre

October 21, 2019

Chile on Fire: Massive Protests Force Repeal of Fare Hikes

This Friday in Santiago, Chile, tens of thousands of high school students, accompanied by teachers and workers, turned the city upside down to protest a rise in subway ticket prices. The right-wing government of Sebastián Piñera responded by declaring a state of emergency. Less than 24 hours later, the president was forced to revoke the increase.

Jimena Vergara

October 19, 2019

September 11 in Chile: How Reformism Disarmed the Working Class in the Face of CIA-Backed Coup

50 years ago today, Chile's democratic socialist president Salvador Allende was toppled in a bloody coup. A military dictatorship, backed by U.S. imperialism, murdered thousands and introduced a crushing form of neoliberal economics. Allende's experience shows why reformism is doomed to failure.

Nathaniel Flakin

September 11, 2019

Chilean Teachers’ Strike: Seven Weeks and Counting

Teachers across Chile have been on strike for seven weeks now. What are teachers striking for and how has the government responded?

Left Voice

July 17, 2019

Does Lenin Apply Today? Historical Lessons from Chile

The current debate about Karl Kautsky's legacy is not simply a historical one about Kautsky and Lenin, but an informative discussion among socialists about what we should do today. This first installment will address the historical discussion, particularly the example of Chile.

Nathan Moore

May 22, 2019

Trotskyist and Feminist Bárbara Brito Wins University of Chile Student Union Vice-Presidency

This is the first time that a candidate from the revolutionary, anti-capitalist left won a senior position in the country’s oldest student federation at its most important university.

Sean Robertson

December 1, 2016

Gay Youth Brutally Murdered in Chile

On Wednesday, February 17, Marcelo Lepe was assassinated with a shot to the thorax, for being gay. We must call for justice for Marcelo and all others who die because of homo and transphobia!

Gabriela Muñoz Munizaga

February 23, 2016

Repression against the Mapuche people in Chile

On February 10, Mapuche people in Lleu Lleu in Southern Chile were subject to brutal police repression. They were beaten, arrested and their vehicles were burned by state agents.

La Izquierda Diario Chile

February 20, 2016