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Affordable Care Act

Trump’s First 100 Days and What Is to Come

The shocking election of Trump and the chaotic first months of his presidency have left many searching for an explanation of this unprecedented historical phenomenon. Is Trump a fascist? Is his win the result of some vast Russian conspiracy? How has the far right grown so quickly, from Britain to France to the U.S.? In this article, we will attempt to outline the forces that Trump represents and the possible trajectories of his presidency in the coming months and years.

Robert Belano

April 19, 2017

Repeal Market Health Care – It’s Time to Fight for Medicare For All

The Affordable Care Act and the now-failed American Health Care Act are different versions of a market-led, for-profit health care insurance system. They both allow private hospitals, the private insurance industry, and pharmaceutical companies to win out at the expense – both economic and physical – of working families.

Emma Vignola

April 4, 2017

Slow and Painful: Death by US Healthcare

No one should be dying of cervical cancer in 2016. Those who are dying from cervical cancer are dying at the hands of the state.

Pavi Jaisankar

June 23, 2016

Health Care Reform for Profit

During the first days of 2014, Obamacare was put into effect, the hard-promoted health care reform, pushed by US President Barack Obama since his first presidential campaign. Beyond its difficulties in implementation something is certain: the reform was designed to the measure of the big corporations. It’s well-known that the USA has one of the […]

Juan Cruz Ferre

February 14, 2014