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DIE LINKE: How Left is Germany’s Left Party?

Seen from a distance, Die LINKE might seem pretty cool: A party that opposes war, capitalism, and all border controls gets up to 10 percent in national elections. But it is also a government party, and has applied racist and neoliberal policies since its founding. What would Rosa Luxemburg say?

Nathaniel Flakin

April 6, 2021

Berlin’s Social Democratic Government Evicts Residents of the City’s Largest Homeless Camp

As temperatures drop to -10°C, Berlin’s local government closed the Ostkreuz homeless camp and brought people to shelters. But was this all for realty speculators?

Nathaniel Flakin

February 11, 2021

Police Attack the Luxemburg Liebknecht Demonstration in Berlin

On Sunday, 2,000 people gathered in Friedrichshain for the traditional "LL-Demo." They were brutally attacked by police, who made 35 arrests. The justification was absurd. The responsibility lies with the SPD and Die LINKE.

Nathaniel Flakin

January 13, 2021

“Aufstehen” Sits Back Down

Just six months after its foundation, Sahra Wagenknecht’s “movement” has collapsed. Inspired by Mélenchon and Corbyn, the politician from Germany’s Die Linke party had attempted to build a project centered on her popularity. Using a combination of social demands and chauvinism, she had hoped to form a new government coalition.

Nathaniel Flakin

March 27, 2019

How Did the Extreme Right Get 13 Percent in the German Elections?

Image: Now the End Begins On Sunday, Germany’s two main parties suffered a terrible defeat. Angela Merkel’s conservative CDU got just 33 percent, while the social democratic SPD sunk to 20.5 percent – the worst results for both parties since 1945. These two parties have held up West Germany’s capitalist regime since its founding, sharing […]

Nathaniel Flakin

September 28, 2017

The Established Parties Can’t Stop the Shift to the Right

This Sunday, 61.5 million people in Germany are called on to elect a new parliament. A greater share of the population than ever before, however, lacks the basic democratic right to vote for the Bundestag as Germany's "blood and soil" citizenship laws even exclude people who grew up in the country. In the capital alone, almost half a million adults are denied the right to vote.

Nathaniel Flakin

September 23, 2017