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Labor Unions, Environmentalists, and Indigenous People Unite to Defeat Mining Interests in Argentina

A zoning law would have opened up the southern Argentinian province of Chubut to large-scale mining by multinational corporations. But the law was defeated in just five days by an alliance of environmentalists, workers, youth, and indigenous people. Their fight points the way forward for other movements around the world.

Marisela Trevin

December 27, 2021

The U.S. Navy Poisoned Hawaii’s Water — and Covered It Up

In the latest instance of military pollution and cover-ups, the U.S. Navy has been leaking jet fuel into drinking water in Honolulu. The environmental movement must stand with victims of climate imperialism.

Samuel Karlin

December 9, 2021

Waste Imperialism and the Trash Crisis in Tunisia

Sfax, Tunisia is drowning in garbage. This is a clear example of the inequities and destructiveness of waste management under capitalism.

Emma Lee

November 17, 2021

Biden and the Democrats Have Given Up on Meaningful Climate Action

Democrats have accepted major cuts to Biden’s already-inadequate climate and social-spending plan, once again showing that the interests of big business come first for the party.

Robert Belano

November 10, 2021

COP26 Pledges Reveal Capitalism’s Refusal to Solve the Climate Crisis

The unenforceable “pledges” by the world’s leaders to meet a temperature increase that exceeds what climate scientists say is sustainable reveals that, under capitalism, profit and exploitation will always come before human life.

Samuel Karlin

November 7, 2021

Biden Greenwashes U.S. Capitalism at COP26

Biden is using the spectacle of COP26 to pretend that he’s committed to fighting climate change. Yet he’s spent the past six months supporting every attack on environmentalism that capital has required of him.

Samuel Karlin

November 4, 2021

Steven Donziger, Lawyer who Defended Indigenous Farmers in Ecuador, Imprisoned

Environmental and human rights lawyer, Steven Donziger won a $9.5 billion settlement for Indigenous Ecuadorians against Chevron. Now he has been disbarred and sentenced to six months in jail by judges with close ties to the corporate oil giant.

Emma Lee

November 3, 2021

The Climate Conference in Glasgow Is Just “COP-out 26”

The climate crisis demands urgent changes to the world economy. This would require bringing the fossil fuel companies into public ownership and rapidly expanding renewable energy. Yet none of this is on the agenda at COP26.

Michael Roberts

November 1, 2021

COP26: An Environmental and PR Masquerade for the Pyromaniac Leaders of the Great Powers

On the eve of new multilateral climate negotiations at COP26 in Glasgow, China and Russia are deserting the framework, while the West takes the opportunity to cloak itself in green. As is to be expected, the outcome will, at best, be whistling in the wind.

Violette Renée

October 30, 2021