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Before the Yellow Vests, Chile, and Lebanon, There Was the Uprising in Haiti

Haiti has been fighting back against austerity and government corruption since last year. But the problems that Haiti faces are deeply rooted in a colonial legacy and imperialist intervention.

Tatiana Cozzarelli

November 21, 2019

Selective Grief and Haitian Resistance

Largely ignored by international media, Hurricane Matthew has left 877 people dead in Haiti. These deaths are not only a product of the hurricane--they are a product of racism, capitalism and imperialism.

Lourival Aguiar Mahin

October 10, 2016

Peace missions? Denounces of abuse and prostitution against “Blue Helmets”

A recent study from the UN confirms the accusations made years ago by left and feminist organizations: troops abuse of women and young girls and offer food and money in exchange for sex.

Celeste Murillo

June 26, 2015