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ICE’s Forced Hysterectomies Are Part of a Long History of State Sterilization of Women of Color

According to a whistleblower report, an ICE detention center is performing hysterectomies on women without their consent or awareness. This is consistent with a long history of forced sterilization of women of color in the United States.

Tatiana Cozzarelli

September 15, 2020

Immigrants Detained in Concentration Camps Go on Hunger Strike

Hunger strikes have become a common form of resistance and struggle in detention centers. Last week, detainees in Bakersfield, California went on a hunger strike to fight unsafe and deplorable conditions.

Elias Khoury

July 16, 2020

Abolish the Police Means Abolish ICE Too

In light of the protests demanding the defunding or the abolition of police, it is imperative that we recognize that local police and ICE are working hand in hand. ICE is detaining protesters and attempting to deport them. We need to abolish both ICE and the police.

Carmin Maffea

July 2, 2020

ICE Agents Are Arresting Black Lives Matter Protesters

ICE agents have been targeting protesters in areas like Arizona and New York City, hard-hit COVID hotspots.

K.S. Mehta

June 14, 2020

U.S. Racist Immigration Policy Is Spreading the Virus, Not Containing It

Building on the existing horrors of the U.S. border, the Trump administration has used the pandemic as an opportunity to continue to enact racist and nationalist immigration policies, to the point of threatening to deport people even after they have tested positive for COVID-19.

Rebecca Margolies

May 14, 2020

ICE and COVID-19: A Deadly Mix For Immigrants

Even during a pandemic, the Trump administration is continuing to attack undocumented immigrants and is tightening legal pathways to immigration.

Eli Kawy

April 24, 2020

Trump to Ban Immigration in Xenophobic “Shock Doctrine”

Donald Trump tweeted out an executive order on Monday night banning immigration in the United States. This is a massive and unprecedented escalation of Trump’s xenophobic and nationalistic immigration policy.

Left Voice

April 21, 2020

ICE Detentions Continue in the Midst of a Pandemic

ICE agents continue to make arrests, even as cities across the United States brace for the COVID-19 pandemic. These actions put detainees’ health at risk, and expose the U.S.’s callous disregard for the lives of migrants.

Otto Fors

March 20, 2020

ADOS: Right-Wing Cooptation of the Reparations Movement

ADOS, or American Descendants of Slavery, is an organization that differentiates itself from non-American Black people, including more recent immigrants who have suffered and resisted for generations. ADOS is co-opting the demand for reparations and making it serve the very systems we should fight against.

Liz Dunn

March 7, 2020