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Izquierda Unida

Varoufakis’ Plan B for Europe: A democratic revolution without revolution

The conference 'For a Plan B for Europe' culminated in Madrid with the presence of the former Greek finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis, along with much of the European reformist left. What is their plan to 'democratize' the EU?

Spain: trying to break the Electoral Gridlock

The results of the general elections have opened a political crisis in Spain. Now that a coalition between the PSOE and PP is off the table, at least 3 parties would have to collude to be able to form government. A broad-left coalition gains momentum.

Juan Cruz Ferre

January 11, 2016

Elections in Spain: For an Anti-Capitalist, Working Class Alternative

Neither Podemos, nor Popular Unity, nor the candidacies they jointly advance in Catalonia and Galicia provide a real alternative for workers and the people. It is necessary to construct an anti-capitalist, internationalist and working-class alternative beyond the 20D.

Clase Contra Clase

December 18, 2015