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Mayor Bill de Blasio

The Housing Crisis Is Just Getting Started; Let’s Stop It

The real estate crisis poses a deep threat to New York City. New evictions, city budget shortfalls, and financial contagion could worsen an already intolerable situation. The Left should organize not only to ward off an eviction wave but to challenge the capitalist logic creating it.

David Klassen

November 8, 2020

NYC School Workers Solidarity Campaign Rejects UFT President Michael Mulgrew’s Deal with Mayor Bill de Blasio

The union leadership of the United Federation of Teachers (UFT) struck a deal on Tuesday with NYC city officials to postpone reopening by 10 days. This deal comes as the UFT Delegate Assembly was planning to vote for strike authorization against school reopening. Below we republish a press release from the NYC School Workers Solidarity Campaign on this decision.

Trump’s Call to Reopen Schools Endangers Students, Staff, and Families

Furiously attempting to “reopen the economy,” both Republicans and Democrats are insisting that schools return to face to face teaching while simultaneously slashing the funding that would allow them to do so safely. Once again, the plan is to sacrifice the health of poor and working-class kids, teachers, and their families for a capitalist economy. 

Francesca Gomes

July 11, 2020

De Blasio Doesn’t Get It

New York City Mayor de Blasio is attempting to paint himself as a supporter of Black Lives Matter through easy, empty publicity stunts. His response to protests in the city, however, shows a clear alliance with the NYPD, at the expense of Black lives.

Samuel Karlin

July 11, 2020

CUNY Union Calls to Kick Cops out of the AFL-CIO

On Thursday, the PSC CUNY joined the chorus of unions calling to kick cops out of the labor movement.

James Dennis Hoff

June 29, 2020

Papers, Please: NYPD Harasses Protesters Going Home

New York police are targeting activists. Maya Kates recounts being stopped in a taxi going home after a protest.

Maya Kates

June 8, 2020

A Grim New Milestone: More than 10,000 Protesters Arrested Across the U.S.

The protests against police terror are being brutally repressed...by the police.

James Dennis Hoff

June 5, 2020

The Protesters Are Right: de Blasio Should Resign

De Blasio has used his power to order violence against protesters --- and then claims he’s seen none of it despite the preponderance of evidence. He is not only complicit but directly responsible for the unconscionable cop violence in New York City.

Sybil Davis

June 5, 2020