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One Year of Biden

One Year Later: Biden Is Still No Friend of Labor

Joe Biden claims to be one of the most pro-labor presidents to ever hold office, but while he has talked a good game, he has conspicuously failed to deliver for working people and unions. Worse, Biden’s embrace of labor was and remains a cynical, and so far highly successful, attempt to co-opt and further tie unions to the Democratic Party.

James Dennis Hoff

January 21, 2022

The Problem of Wanting Biden to “Succeed”

While Joe Biden has dismal approval ratings, many Democrats are still wishing for him to “succeed.” But success for bourgeois capitalist politicians like Biden always comes at the expense of the working class.

Adnan Ahmed

January 20, 2022

Is America Back? Biden and Imperialist Decline

In 2021, President Biden inherited a regime that was deeply unstable, both within and without. Now, a year later, many of those challenges remain a thorn in his side as he attempts to reestablish the United States’ global supremacy.

Sou Mi

January 20, 2022

The Fight for Socialism After a Year of Malarkey

Despite the progressive promises, Biden has shown in his first year of office that he's a neoliberal enemy of working class and oppressed people. We shouldn’t put faith in capitalist politicians — the way forward in the fight for socialism is now and has always been in the movements of working class and oppressed people and in our ability to turn anger into organization against this capitalist system.

Tatiana Cozzarelli

January 20, 2022

The Democrats Aren’t Bad at Politics. Their Politics Are Bad

The Biden administration has accomplished little of its “transformative” agenda in its first year. But it has been very effective when it comes to furthering the Democrats’ capitalist and imperialist interests.

Otto Fors

January 19, 2022