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Republican Party

Will the GOP Fall?

In the wake of Trump’s defeat, what paths are open for the Republican Party and Trumpism?

Ana Rivera

December 6, 2020

No Good Choices: How The Two-Party System Fails Voters 

Though the 2020 elections set a new record for voter turnout, more people still chose not to vote than supported either candidate. This shows yet again that the bipartisan political regime of the U.S. has nothing to offer to most of the working class and oppressed.

Luigi Morris

November 13, 2020

Why Is Trump Refusing to Concede?

Even though Joe Biden has been proclaimed president-elect, Donald Trump refuses to admit defeat. This means the transition between the two administrations has not formally begun, breaking with the customs of the bipartisan regime.

Claudia Cinatti

November 12, 2020

Mike Pompeo Joins the Sore Loser Charade

At a press conference on November 10, Mike Pompeo became the latest Republican to dispute Biden's electoral victory, claiming that the transition to “a second Trump administration” would go off without a hitch. What does this mean for Trump’s efforts to contest the election?

Tatiana Cozzarelli

November 10, 2020

North Carolina Elects Far-Right Hitler Enthusiast to Congress

North Carolina's latest addition to Congress, a 25-year-old Republican and Hitler enthusiast, shows that the far-Right is far from finished.

Samuel Karlin

November 7, 2020

Against Pragmatism: Socialists Shouldn’t Vote for the “Lesser Evil”

A section of socialists like Eric Blanc and Dan La Botz are urging a vote for the pro-imperialist Joe Biden as a lesser evil to Trump. This “pragmatic” logic is deeply rooted in the ideology of American capitalism.

Robert Belano

November 2, 2020

It’s Time to Lower the Voting Age

U.S. democracy is hardly democratic. Young people are forced to sell their labor and take on massive student loans to survive, but they are unable to choose what kind of world they live in. Lowering the voting age to 16 would give a voice to millions of teenagers across the country who are recently politicized and deeply invested in issues like defunding the police and climate change. 

M.K. Kumar

October 31, 2020

U.S. Imperialism: Return to “Normalcy” or More World Disorder?

Continuing with the analysis in our previous article on contemporary imperialism and the situation in the United States, here Esteban Mercantante discusses the balance of the first (and perhaps only?) presidential term of Donald Trump.

Esteban Mercatante

October 30, 2020

Of Course Joe Biden Intends to Appoint Republicans to His Cabinet

Last week, progressives were frustrated to learn that Joe Biden is reportedly considering moderate Republicans like John Kasich and Jeff Flake for Cabinet positions. But Biden already agrees with Republicans on key issues such as supporting private healthcare, big business, U.S. imperialism, and the police. 

Olivia Wood

October 26, 2020