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Vivek Chibber’s ABCs of Reformism: Reality Has Overtaken Social Democratic Illusions

A year and a half ago, Jacobin magazine put out a series of pamphlets on the ABCs of Capitalism. Reformist theorist Vivek Chibber argues that the bourgeois democratic state has so much legitimacy as to make revolutionary politics impossible. Today, when 54% of the U.S. population thinks it is justified to burn down a police station, such reformist ideas appear like satire.

Ahmed Kanna

June 10, 2020

The Revolution Will Not Be Localized

Mutual aid and other forms of local organizing are important, but can never overthrow capitalism on their own. How should socialists proceed?

Sybil Davis

May 8, 2020

Time for a Balance Sheet of the Sanders Campaign

Tens of thousands of socialists supported Bernie Sanders campaign. Now that Sanders has endorsed Joe Biden, it is time to draw the lessons. Rosa Luxemburg provides some insights.

Nathaniel Flakin

April 16, 2020

Chile ’73: Was Victory Possible?

Chilean president Salvador Allende’s experience was the most radical attempt to achieve socialism through elections and gradual reforms. What went wrong?

Pablo Torres

April 12, 2020

Pandemic, the Left, and Workers’ Power

In the face of the economic and public health crisis triggered  by the coronavirus pandemic, the U.S. Left oscillates between mutual aid efforts and parliamentary impotence. We need to take part in workers’ struggles today and prepare for the coming upsurge. 

Juan Cruz Ferre

March 31, 2020

Pandemic and Capitalism: The Two-Pronged Struggle of the Working Class

The coronavirus poses the question of halting nonessential economic activity and converting production to what is needed to fight the pandemic, along with who should be in control. It turns out that what is essential depends on the class from which you view the situation. 

Matías Maiello

March 30, 2020

Climate Catastrophe and Socialist Strategy

Imperialist-era capitalism has created a climate emergency. The ecological Left needs to develop and put forward a socialist program as the only response capable of staving off the catastrophe.

Diego Lotito

March 8, 2020

There’s No Hope for the Democratic Party. But We Can Still Win Medicare for All

Bernie Sanders had a terrible night on Super Tuesday. But, the fight for Medicare for All and other progressive reforms aren’t about electing Sanders. They will only be won if the working class and oppressed fight for them without putting faith in a Democratic Party in the service of the capitalists and a “democratic process” rigged in favor of the establishment.

Tatiana Cozzarelli

March 4, 2020

Soviet Strategy: A Primer

Tactics are how a battle is won. Strategy is the art of winning a war. How can the working class win political power?

Nathaniel Flakin

March 1, 2020