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Womens’ Rights

Trotskyist and Feminist Bárbara Brito Wins University of Chile Student Union Vice-Presidency

This is the first time that a candidate from the revolutionary, anti-capitalist left won a senior position in the country’s oldest student federation at its most important university.

Sean Robertson

December 1, 2016

Family, Capitalism and School Choice in the Republican Platform

In capitalist society, family is not just based on love and kinship, but rather on an economic necessity, as demonstrated by the Republican platform. Particularly, the discussion on school choice highlights the way the government shifts the burden of providing quality public services to the family.

Tatiana Cozzarelli

October 4, 2016

Women’s Emancipation in Times of Global Crisis

The crisis of global capitalism reminds us that the rights oppressed people have obtained are not set in stone, but are subject to cuts imposed by bourgeois governments and international financial institutions. Our rights are subject to the ups and downs of power relations in global capitalism. The economic crisis deepens social polarization, reviving the most reactionary sectors of society to express their virulent xenophobia, homophobia, and misogyny. Knowing this, how can we fight for women’s liberation?

Andrea D'Atri

August 15, 2016

Organizing Against Rape Culture: Lessons from Brazil

Amidst attacks from right-wing governments in Brazil, tens of thousands of women took to the streets to protest rape culture. How are these protests related to the current political climate, and how can this movement inform the struggles of women in the United States and elsewhere?

Women Workers Picket Avon in Turkey

Discrimination towards women has always had a significant place in AKP's brand of political Islam, yet young female workers are coming to the forefront of class struggle – as is the case with the picket line outside the Avon warehouse in Gebze.

Barış Yıldırım

June 15, 2016

Pan y Rosas: Argentine Women in the Struggle

A video introducing Pan y Rosas, an Argentine women's group.

Pan y Rosas

May 18, 2016