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Working Class

Left Voice: How Can a Publication Help Build a Revolutionary Left?

Who is Left Voice? What are we trying to build? And how do we conceive of our publication?

Left Voice

October 6, 2020

Luxury Covid Recovery for Trump and the Rich; Destitution for the Working Class

President Trump has been hospitalized for Covid-19. His luxury treatment is very different from that of the 200,000 mostly working class people who have died so far in the pandemic.

Otto Fors

October 4, 2020

I Pay More in Taxes than Donald Trump

Almost every working-class person pays more in taxes than Donald Trump. Capitalism cloaks bourgeois criminality in legal loopholes while insisting that the working class pay for everything.

Sybil Davis

September 29, 2020

Popular Radicalism in the 1930s: The History of the Workers’ Unemployment Insurance Bill

While Bourgeois historians and contemporary "common sense" would have us believe that American workers are inherently conservative, the struggle for the Workers' Unemployment Insurance Bill in the 1930s shows that popular movements can embrace radical demands and provides a lesson for our own times.

Chris Wright

September 18, 2020

What Is Trotskyism?

Today is the 80th anniversary of the murder of Leon Trotsky. Though he was killed at the hands of Stalinism, revolutionaries carry on his legacy. Here is an introduction to his ideas.

Tatiana Cozzarelli

August 21, 2020

The “Seattle Soviet”

With the revival of class struggle in the United States, where protesters in Seattle have taken over the streets and established a multi-block neighborhood Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) free of police, it is quite useful and important to remember the “Seattle Soviet” of 1919, when the Seattle working class rocked the world.

Ramón Morales

June 28, 2020

Cops Are Class Enemies. What About Soldiers?

Police officers and soldiers are both being deployed to repress the uprisings across the United States. But while the police remain fiercely loyal to the racist state, soldiers' allegiance is cracking. This can be observed in protest movements throughout history. Our goal should be to smash the cops, but win over the soldiers.

Nathaniel Flakin

June 14, 2020

Capitalism is a Virus: Value Chains, Class Struggle, and the United Front

The coronavirus has spread around the world through the circuits of capital and value chains, dividing the working class and putting millions of frontline workers at risk. Reorganizing the forces of the proletariat to respond to this threat is the only way forward. 

James Dennis Hoff

May 11, 2020

What Kind of Party Do We Need? Five International Examples

Many people are calling for a new party in the United States. But what kind of party do we need? We rate five international examples: a green party, a democratic socialist party, a neoreformist party, a new anticapitalist party, and a class-independence party.

Nathaniel Flakin

April 26, 2020