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Tiffany Wallace

Must See Films for Black History Month

Predictably, Black talent was excluded from mainstream award shows this year despite its strong presence in film and TV. But your Black socialist cinephiles at Left Voice are excited to share our own picks for Black History Month.

Tiffany Wallace

February 28, 2020

For Renisha McBride and the Other Black women who Fight back after Death

Black women reside within both axes of white supremacy and misogyny. The capitalist media portrays us as "angry" and "irrational" to de-humanize and de-legitimize our self- defense against a multitude of systematic attacks. In doing so, we are perceived by mainstream white society as deserving of the oppression that we are constantly dodging or breaking through everyday. Manners, respectability and silence will never guarantee equal rights, respect or freedom from brutality. This poem is dedicated to the Black women whose murders inspired demands, uprising, and organizational resistance to racism, patriarchy, capitalism and all oppressive forces that bind our international struggle for liberation. In life, they inspired their families. In death, they inspire resistance. #SayHerName #RenishaMcBride

Tiffany Wallace

October 20, 2015