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Guest Posts

In Support of the Anti-Milo Berkeley Antifa Action

Shutting down fascists and racists is not a conflict about free speech but the means for organizing politically.

Hart Eagleburger

February 3, 2017

Free Trade Agreements and the Dynamics of Capitalism

The new Trump Administration has officially pulled out of the TPP and announced plans to renegotiate NAFTA. Are these the first signs of a reconfiguration of the neoliberal world order?

Pete Dolack

January 30, 2017

Towards a New Socialist Party

Continuing a series of articles on US politics and the left, guest contributors Hart Eagleburger and Jack Rusk argue that steps should be taken towards forming a new socialist party, given the opportunity of the present moment, which will grow out of real struggles of the working class.

Hart Eagleburger

January 25, 2017

Elections: A Small Piece of Socialist Strategy

Continuing a series of articles on US politics and the left, guest contributors Hart Eagleburger and Jack Rusk point to the inherent limits of electoral strategies, arguing that socialists should use elections only as an auxiliary tactic in a larger strategy of building working-class power.

Hart Eagleburger

January 13, 2017

A Few Words on Marxism and Identity Politics

The year 2016 will be remembered as the year that identity politics, as it is commonly understood, began the long descent into irrelevancy. The first Black President that saw conditions grow worse for Black Americans and Clinton's corporate identity politics saw electoral defeat. We must build a Marxist identity politics, which recognizes the special oppression that comes with race and the consequent importance of fighting racism head-on.

Albert L. Terry III

January 8, 2017

Viewing Bernie Through Rose-Colored Glasses

Continuing a series of articles on US politics and the left, guest contributors Hart Eagleburger and Jack Rusk point to the Bernie Sanders campaign as an example of how Seth Ackerman’s ideas for electoral strategy sputter in practice.

Hart Eagleburger

January 7, 2017

The Opportunity of the Present Moment

Trump's ascension to power is weeks away. Left Voice presents a series by guest contributors on the current political conjuncture, the left, and prospects for party-building in the United States.

Hart Eagleburger

December 19, 2016

Breaking Up with Bernie

A Sandernista ends things with Bernie

Tasha DeCastra

December 18, 2016

Mike Davis: Trump, Pat Buchanan and…Zombies

This article was originally published in Spanish in Ideas de Izquierda soon after the elections. I finally think I’ve understood why we’re so obsessed with zombies. The discarded shroud, the rustling in the weeds, the vaporous apparitions seen from Pocatello to Lake Wobegone, the ghost army of admirers…. we were forewarned that he was back […]

Mike Davis

December 10, 2016