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Latin America

Police Repression in Brazilian General Strike

In various cities around the country, the police repressed pickets and protests organized on the day of the "general strike".

Left Voice

July 1, 2017

The Piquetero Movement and the Left

The Partido Obrero of Argentina (Workers’ Party) recently published an astonishing article in its newspaper Prensa Obrera (Workers’ Press).This article has revived a long-standing debate about the piquetero movement, a debate with its own history, and one that requires another look at the proposals put forward by the PTS for uniting employed and unemployed workers.

Lucho Aguilar

July 1, 2017

Meet the Delegates

This August, Left Voice is sending a group of socialists from different parts of the US to Argentina for an internationalist exchange. They will meet with leading members of the Partido de los Trabajadores Socialistas (PTS), founders of the Pan y Rosas women's organization, and workers at the vanguard of struggles in their factories.

Left Voice

June 30, 2017

Despite Union Resistance, There are Pickets and Work Stoppages Throughout Brazil  

Union bureaucrats tried to stop workers from mobilizing for today’s general strike. Despite their active or passive resistance, the Brazilian working class organized pickets and work stoppages around the country.

Left Voice

June 30, 2017

Brazil’s Crisis and (Another) General Strike

Brazil will have its second general strike of the year on Friday, as the Temer government's future remains uncertain. What is the context for this historic strike?

Victor Mariutti

June 29, 2017

Workers Occupy Factory to Keep their Jobs with PepsiCo

600 workers who were fired by PepsiCo are taking matters into their own hands and occupying the factory in Buenos Aires.

Mira Craig-Morse

June 29, 2017

Boycott Pepsi Products in Solidarity with Argentine Workers!

Workers at a PepsiCo factory in Argentina occupied the factory to protect their jobs. Send photos in support and boycott PepsiCo and Lay's products!

Left Voice

June 28, 2017

On the Legacy of a Revolutionary

The following speech was given by Chipi Castillo, a national leader of the PTS in Argentina after the death of Laura and Ezequiel, two comrades who died of CO2 poisoning. Fede, another comrade who was in the same apartment is in critical condition in the hospital. This speech was given at a special event to honor the lives of the fallen comrades with homages by co-workers, comrades and family members.

Christian Castillo

June 21, 2017

Venezuela: The Pope, Trump, and the Bourgeois Press United Against Maduro

The bourgeois press is reporting on the ongoing crisis in Venezuela from the point of view of the neoliberal opposition. Behind the smoke screen of "democracy", they are fighting for a new cycle of imperialist subjugation.

Robert Samstag

June 14, 2017