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SEARCH RESULTS FOR: Guaranteed Basic Income

The Capitalist Disaster and the Struggle for an International of Socialist Revolution

This manifesto was approved by the leaderships of the groups of the Trotskyist Fraction – Fourth International in April 2021.

Jobs for All! (1945)

A Fighting Program for Labor (published in 1945 by the U.S. Socialist Workers Party)

Art Preis

April 4, 2021

Socialism, Technology, and Ideologies of Misery

Why is it that postcapitalists cannot dream of a future, but revolutionary socialists can?

Matías Maiello

January 3, 2021

NYC Closes Schools Again. They Should Have Never Reopened in the First Place.

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio’s decision to shut down NYC Public Schools is a necessary measure to stop rising infection rates across the city. But without proper measures to ensure that students are capable of virtual schooling and that parents are guaranteed time off, the city risks sowing even more chaos.

M.K. Kumar

November 18, 2020

Out of Control and No End in Sight: Coronavirus Continues to Ravage the U.S. Working Class

The arrival of autumn has brought with it an expected surge of new coronavirus cases, but the massive rise in new infections and hospitalizations far exceeds any anticipated seasonal increase. Getting the virus under control again and protecting working people will require more than just quarantines.

James Dennis Hoff

November 16, 2020

Fight Racism, Imperialism, and the Current Crisis: A Program to Unify the Exploited and Oppressed

In a context of global instability and national turmoil, the most critical task for socialists in the U.S. is to combine the immediate struggle against attacks on the lives and democratic rights of the exploited and oppressed with the greater battle for socialism. What might that look like?

Left Voice

October 14, 2020

Pandemic Exacerbates Precarity of Arts Workers

Arts workers were among the first to become unemployed during the pandemic, and will likely be some of the last people who are able to return to work. With unemployment benefits scheduled to run out well before theatres can safely reopen, arts unions must mobilize their members to demand relief.

Zed Simon

October 13, 2020

Biden-Harris: Conciliation And Moderation Will Not Stop the Far Right

Joe Biden and the vice-presidential candidate Kamala Harris are making sure to not bother anyone but progressives. Meanwhile, polarization and far-right attacks are rising.

Ana Rivera

September 4, 2020

The Contours of Capitalism in China

China is the world’s second-largest economy and the world’s main industrial producer and exporter. How can we characterize the economic and social transformations that have marked China’s development over the past four decades?

Esteban Mercatante

August 26, 2020

From Stonewall to Black Lives Matter

This article takes up the threads of continuity from the Stonewall uprising to the current Black Lives Matter uprising. Originally published in Spectre Journal.

Keegan O'Brien

August 12, 2020