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The struggle for the Fourth International and the workers’ vanguard

Our starting point is that this historic crisis of capitalism puts questions of program how to advance towards a world party for socialist revolution at the forefront. That is, how to tackle the need for the unification of the workers vanguard across national boundaries with a programme and a strategy to put an end to […]

Left Voice

August 26, 2009

Down with the coup in Honduras!

Down with the coup in Honduras! For the broadest mobilization throughout Latin America to defeat the coup plotters The morning of June 28 witnessed a new military coup in Central America, this time in Honduras, where the ultra-rightists, backed up by the armed forces, but in coordination with the Electoral Court, the Courts of Justice […]

Left Voice

July 4, 2009

Trascending Liberal Democracy and Totalitarianism

Present perspectives for revolution and the dialectics of ‘freedom-liberation’ The realm of contemporary political theory is cut across by a misleading antinomy opposing ‘democracy’ and ‘totalitarianism’. Such vulgar simplification schema glosses over the 150-year-long record of the working class movement, putting an equal sign between the whole past revolutionary experience of the latter and the […]

Left Voice

June 9, 2009

Challenging the ideology of ‘what is possible’

‘Capitalism has been unable to develop a single one of its trends to the ultimate end. Just as the concentration of wealth does not abolish the middle class, so monopoly does not abolish competition, but only bears down on it and mangles it.’ Leon Trotsky, Marxism in Our Time There is no doubt that during […]

Emilio Albamonte

June 8, 2009

Brazil under Lula

1 On October 27th 2002, millions of workers, vast layers of the population, along with whole swathes of the middle class and the landless peasants massively voted for Lula and his Partido Travalhista (PT). This reaped a record 52 million votes, riding a wave of great illusions and hopes of changes. Thus, Lula won the […]

Left Voice

June 8, 2009

How revolution was derailed in Latin America?

In the article “Crisis of bourgeois rule: reform or revolution in Argentina” we chart the plans to introduce a “political reform” by the ruling class in an attempt at derailing the ongoing revolutionary process. A first plan aims to preserve the old regime by making some cosmetic changes to it, and is codified in the […]

Left Voice

June 8, 2009

Before and After the March Crisis

In Argentina a new government has emerged which is in essence different from the one that took power in December 1999 when the Alianza won after the ‘Menem decade’. The recent appointment of Cavallo – who was a minister in Menem’s government and a functionary during the dictatorship – to President De la Rúa’s cabinet […]

Left Voice

June 8, 2009

“Transitions to democracy”: an instrument of U.S. imperialism to counterweight the decline of its hegemony

The so-called “transitions to democracy” have been a key policy of US imperialism to prevent the upswing of proletarian revolution, as a way of offsetting the decline of its hegemony after its defeat in Vietnam. It encompasses a number of developments on the world arena since the mid- 1970s. The recent success of Mexico’s “negotiated […]

Left Voice

June 7, 2009

Mass and vanguard struggles in the decadence of “neo-liberalism”

The boom of neo-liberalism during the 1980s and the first years of 1990s was not a consequence of a natural economic evolution from postwar Keynesianism to the rule of the market, but rather it could settle down inflicting harsh defeats to the international working class movement and the semi-colonial peoples. The military interventions on behalf […]

Left Voice

June 7, 2009

Transformations of the Latin American economy in the 90s

Introduction We are leaving behind a decade of intense imperialist colonization that brought in deep changes in the economic, social and political reality of the region.In the following article, we present an analysis of these transformations in the economic sphere. This is part of a more extensive work, also elaborated from the point of view […]

Left Voice

June 2, 2009