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The Pope’s “mission” in Brazil

Displaying his past as a member of the Hitler Youth, Pope Benedict XVI took the opportunity to conclude his visit to Brazil with a too-long speech against Marxism. The leaders of the Catholic Church in Latin America received precise instructions to intervene in the phenomena of the class struggle that has been confronting neo-liberalism in […]

Left Voice

May 17, 2007

The war in the Balkans and the international situation

Introduction On March 24 this year NATO bombs and cruise missiles started to rain down the Yugoslav territory. The war would rage for almost three months. As it unfolded, the world witnessed the various acts of the drama: the devastation of Serbia from the air, Milosevic’s ethnic cleansing, the flood tide of Kosovar refugees, the […]

Juan Chingo

July 1, 1999

Polemic with the LIT and the Theoretical Legacy of Nahuel Moreno

This work is the systematization of a debate that began two years ago at the cadre school of the Workers Party for Socialism (PTS). It is important in that it has allowed us to homogeneously develop a critical vision of our own political-theoretical past: drawing both a clear line of demarcation between ourselves and the “Morenista” current of the Trotskyist movement that we have come from, and at the same time reclaiming what we think is the method and theory of Leon Trotsky.