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SEARCH RESULTS FOR: vaccine imperialism

The “Social Dilemma” of Capitalism in Decline

The Netflix documentary The Social Dilemma offers a jarring look at the addictive nature of social media. But its attempts to be "apolitical" make the film's insights ultimately toothless. A socialist critique.

Nathaniel Flakin

November 19, 2020

Against Pragmatism: Socialists Shouldn’t Vote for the “Lesser Evil”

A section of socialists like Eric Blanc and Dan La Botz are urging a vote for the pro-imperialist Joe Biden as a lesser evil to Trump. This “pragmatic” logic is deeply rooted in the ideology of American capitalism.

Robert Belano

November 2, 2020

Elections Amid Imperialist Decline

Whoever becomes president must manage an unprecedented situation amid increasing discontent with the regime.

Jimena Vergara

November 1, 2020

The Final Debate: More of the Same With a Mute Button

Stripped of political theater, the final debate of the 2020 presidential election showed clearer than ever before that Donald Trump and Joe Biden want to present themselves as candidates of bourgeois “stability.” Though they differ in tactics, their responses showed that they share a vision of shoring up U.S. capitalist interests and revitalizing the decaying U.S. imperialist regime — and that they are more than willing to sacrifice the working class and oppressed across the world to do it.

Madeleine Freeman

October 23, 2020

Trump, Fascism, and the Metaphysics of Democracy

Noam Chomsky says Trump is not a fascist, but he's wrong about why. It's not that Trump is failing to seize control of big business. Fascism is "the continuation of capitalism, an attempt to perpetuate its existence by means of the most bestial and monstrous measures." For all Trump's authoritarianism, capital has yet to call on him to take those steps.

Rob Wilkie

October 13, 2020

Notas de Left Voice en español

Estas notas han sido traducidas y publicadas en nuestra página hermana La Izquierda Diario.

Left Voice

October 1, 2020

Disputes Between U.S. and China Dominate UN General Assembly

This Year's remote meeting of the United Nations General Assembly reflected the continued global health crisis as well as the ongoing and increasingly sharp economic battle between the US and China.

Claudia Cinatti

September 26, 2020

An Avoidable Disaster: At Least 200,000 Dead From Coronavirus in the U.S.

The United States has now officially recorded over 200,000 Coronavirus deaths, far more than any other country on the planet. This was an avoidable disaster made worse by the endless profit seeking and exploitation that define capitalism.

James Dennis Hoff

September 21, 2020

News Round-Up: Coronavirus Across the U.S.

As the U.S. enters its seventh month of the coronavirus crisis, even White House coronavirus response coordinator Deborah Birx has finally admitted that the situation is getting worse, not better. In this article, we take a look at recent events and data from around the country.

Olivia Wood

August 5, 2020

Cohering the Rebellions: For a Combat Party of the Working Class

Large sections of the socialist left --- in venues like Jacobin --- argue for channelling the ongoing rebellions against the capitalist state into electoralism and the Democratic Party. In the context of no-growth, predatory capitalism, this is utopian. We need instead a fighting, independent party of the working class to cohere the rebellions and to win power.

Ahmed Kanna

July 18, 2020