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Democratic Party

International Women’s Strike Calls for Anti-Capitalist, Anti-Imperialist Feminism of the 99%

On Sunday, the International Women’s Strike New York held a kickoff panel calling for an anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist feminism.

Tatiana Cozzarelli

February 1, 2018

For Wall and War: What’s Revealed by Trump’s SOTU?

In the midst of a crisis of both parties, what did Trump SOTU propose and what does it mean for working class and oppressed people?

Robert Belano

February 1, 2018

Anti-Trump Elections Signal Opening for Socialist Politics

Progressive candidates and even socialist candidates did well in Tuesday's election. How can we use this to build a mass anti-capitalist movement?

Tatiana Cozzarelli

November 10, 2017

Notes on Working Class Independence: Unions, NGOs, and the Democratic Party

What does working class independence mean? How should we orient towards the labor movement?

Kate Doyle Griffiths

October 16, 2017

Elizabeth Warren Votes for Massive Increase of War Budget

Elizabeth Warren votes for a defense budget that is higher than the one that Donald Trump requested.

Sonja Krieger

October 2, 2017

DSA Votes for BDS, Reparations, and Out of the Socialist International

A brief run-down on events at the DSA National Convention.

Juan Cruz Ferre

August 5, 2017

A Left Rooted in the Working Class – Interview with Kim Moody

In an interview with Left Voice - InFocus, labor scholar and socialist activist Kim Moody speaks about the changing nature of the production process and the challenges for the left to build militant rank-and-file organizations in key points of production.

Kim Moody

August 3, 2017

Deliver Us to the Lesser Evil: How Social Movements Bury Themselves in the Democratic Party

The Democratic Party has often been called “the graveyard of social movements,” and more often than not the social struggles in the United States end their useful lives digging their own graves in the DP, the alternative party of the capitalists.

Hart Eagleburger

July 28, 2017

Why Do Republicans Keep Failing to Repeal Obamacare?

With a new attempt to kill the ACA in shambles, a close look at the social forces behind each of the health care programs is in order.

Juan Cruz Ferre

July 27, 2017