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A Power Restrained: Lessons From the Front Lines of the UPS Contract Struggle

While this contract has some important gains, a strike could have won much more, particularly for part timers.

Luigi Morris

August 27, 2023

Against Capitalist Despair: Building a Working-Class Party For Socialism

We need a working-class party with a socialist and anti-imperialist perspective that is completely independent of the Democrats and the bosses. Toward that goal we are putting forward for discussion and debate with the whole vanguard and the Left, a platform for a working-class party that fights for socialism and the rights of all of the exploited and oppressed.

Left Voice

June 25, 2023

This Pride Month, There is Hope In Fighting Back. Pride is in the Streets.

Pride is in the streets. It is the history of our community, it is the history of our struggle. Let us do them honor.

Sybil Davis

June 2, 2023

Declaration on the Migrant Crisis: Socialists From the U.S., Mexico, Venezuela, and Costa Rica Denounce Anti-Immigrant Policies

In light of the unprecedented migration crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border, we present the following international declaration from the Revolutionary Socialist Organization of Costa Rica, the League of Socialist Workers of Venezuela, the Socialist Workers Movement of Mexico and Left Voice of the United States, all members of the Trotskyist Fraction - Fourth International, alongside the chapters of the international feminist organization, Bread and Roses, of these countries.

Not Syriza, Not Podemos, But a Working-Class Party Fighting for Socialism

What lessons can U.S. socialists draw from the experiences of Syriza, Podemos, and other broad left parties? Nathaniel Flakin and Jimena Vergara of Left Voice respond to Andrew Sernatinger of Tempest.

Nathaniel Flakin

April 18, 2023

The European Strike Wave and the Potential of the Working Class

With its epicenter in France, a wave of strikes is developing in several European countries. As the working class takes to the streets against a cost of living crisis, anti-union attacks, and austerity, is there a common theme to this resurgence of class struggle?

France: On the Frontlines of the War Against Austerity

The French masses have raised the banner of class struggle in what is becoming the first major battle against austerity after the pandemic. Working people across the world should pay attention.

James Dennis Hoff

March 25, 2023

Understanding the Global Context of the Ukrainian Conflict: A Response to Our Critics

The 2022 invasion of Ukraine and the massive rearmament of Europe that followed mark a new stage in a growing conflict that has become a proxy war between the imperialist states of the US and NATO on one side, and an emerging alliance between Russia and China on the other. While some on the Left see this new pole of Russia and China as a check against US imperialism, neither country is anti-imperialist, and neither has anything progressive to offer working people.

Jimena Vergara

March 16, 2023

The Congressional Vote to Quash the Rail Strike Shows That We Need a Party of Our Own

The congressional intervention to bust a possible railroad strike with the complicity of the progressive wing of the Democratic Party was a blow to the labor movement as a whole and a wake-up call for the socialist Left in America. Indignation and denunciation are not enough. It is fundamental to break with the Democratic Party and build a party of the working class and for the working class that genuinely fights for socialism.

Jimena Vergara

December 22, 2022