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VIDEO: Live From Hamburg

Repression and brave resistance on last day of protest against the G20 Summit.

Nathaniel Flakin

July 8, 2017

VIDEO: Live From the G20 Summit

The anti-G-20 march entitled “Welcome to Hell” was organized by various anti-capitalist groups, leftists and social movements across Europe. They began on Thursday and have continued today, the first day of the G-20 meeting of major world leaders.

Nathaniel Flakin

July 7, 2017

Hamburg in a State of Emergency

20 of the world's biggest criminals have descended on Hamburg, Germany for the G-20 summit. But tens of thousands of protesters are throwing sand in the gears. Terrifying police violence has only strengthened activists resolve. Our reporter sends some impressions straight from Hamburg.

Nathaniel Flakin

July 7, 2017

Europe Is Not Just Moving Away From Trump, but From the United States

On June 14, the United States Senate overwhelming approved an extension of U.S. sanctions against Russia, which the Senate believes, has contributed to the destabilization of Syria and Ukraine and has interfered in the elections of other nations.

Juan Chingo

July 5, 2017

Strike at Berlin’s Largest Hospital

This Wednesday at 8am, workers at the Charité – Berlin's biggest hospital with over 13,000 employees – are going on strike. They are fighting against poverty wages and outsourcing. International solidarity is needed!

Nathaniel Flakin

May 16, 2017

The Origins of Antifa

A short historical analysis of Antifascist Action.

Nathaniel Flakin

May 4, 2017

University Occupation in Berlin: Beginning of a New Students’ Movement?

The Social Science Institute in the center of Berlin has been occupied for three weeks. Is this the beginning of a new students' movement in Germany?

Nathaniel Flakin

February 9, 2017

Reactionaries OUT of the University of Munich!

The right is gaining ground in the universities in Germany, with the emergence of the "Alternative for Germany" (AfD) party.

Behind the Scenes of the Revolt

In 1968 there was an upsurge in class struggle in many parts of the world – including in Germany. The Trotskyist movement in West Germany actively participated in the revolt, but did not benefit much from it. What were the German Trotskyists doing in '68? Why couldn't they rally important sectors of the revolutionary youth around their banner? The following is a study on Trotskyist policies before and after '68 with some lessons for today.

Nathaniel Flakin

February 17, 2016