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Pan y Rosas Stands in Solidarity with Movement for Abortion Rights

International group Pan y Rosas (Bread and Roses) stands in solidarity with the movement for abortion rights.

Pan y Rosas

May 6, 2022
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New York abortion rights protesters on May 3, 2022
Image: Hilary Swift/NYT

The leak of the Supreme Court’s draft vote, which would put an end to the 1973 ruling that decriminalized abortion throughout the United States, has set off alarms in the country and other parts of the world because of the impact that this reactionary step would have.

It would be a historic setback that eliminates, with the stroke of a pen, the right of women and all people who can get pregnant to make decisions about their own bodies.

Since 1973, when the case known as Roe v. Wade established the legality of abortion throughout the United States, conservative organizations, along with so-called pro-life groups and many churches, have battled every day to overturn the ruling.

For decades, state legislatures have enacted restrictions on access to voluntary abortions, making it almost impossible to obtain an abortion legally. They have advanced so far in their objectives that if the Roe v. Wade ruling is overturned, it would trigger automatic prohibitions in half the states of the country.

Faced with this threat from the Supreme Court, the Democratic Party says that the important thing is to vote for candidates who support abortion rights in the next legislative elections. But ever since the 1973 ruling 50 years ago, the Democratic Party has never attempted to establish abortion rights by law for the entire country, despite having held a majority in both houses of Congress for long periods.

In other words, the Democratic Party left this basic right — the right to decide about our own bodies — to a judicial decision of the Supreme Court, a body of nine unelected people. This right was left to the mercy of judges, most of whom are conservatives because they were nominated by whatever party was in power at the time of vacancies (three of them were confirmed during Donald Trump’s term).

We cannot let our rights remain in the hands of institutions such as the Supreme Court, or let them be used as bargaining chips by establishment parties, election after election.

The “green tide” in Argentina confirmed that the only effective way to fight for the right to legal, safe, and free abortion is to mobilize in the streets. That is why it became an example for movements in several countries in the region, including Chile and Mexico. Meanwhile, in Poland and other European countries, the conservative right wing is threatening to restrict this and other basic rights, as is happening in the United States.

Even after winning our demands, we must continue to mobilize to ensure that they are implemented, and to prevent conservative forces from trying to roll them back. Rights are won and defended in the streets.

That is why the international group Pan y Rosas (Bread and Roses) stands in solidarity with the movement being built today to defend the right to choose — a movement in which our comrades of Left Voice are actively participating — and with the enormous struggle ahead so that the right to abortion will finally be law.



Myriam Bregman, National Deputy for the City of Buenos Aires for the Frente de Izquierda y de los Trabajadores — Unidad, Lawyer of CEPRODH — Centro de Profesionales por los Derechos Humanos (Center for Human Rights Professionals)

Nicolás del Caño, National Deputy for the Province of Buenos Aires for the Frente de Izquierda y de los Trabajadores — Unidad, leader of the Partido de Trabajadores por el Socialismo

Alejandro Vilca, National Deputy for the Province of Jujuy for the Frente de Izquierda y de los Trabajadores — Unidad, leader of the Partido de Trabajadores por el Socialismo

Alejandrina Barry, Legislator for the City of Buenos Aires for the Frente de Izquierda y de los Trabajadores — Unidad, daughter of the disappeared and leader of CEPRODH — Centro de Profesionales por los Derechos Humanos (Center for Human Rights Professionals)

Claudio Dellecarbonara, Provincial Deputy (Buenos Aires) for the Frente de Izquierda y de los Trabajadores — Unidad, Buenos Aires subway worker and member of the Executive Secretariat of AGTSyP (Asociación Gremial de Trabajadores del Subte y Premetro)

Natalia Hernández, Councilwoman of La Matanza, Buenos Aires, PTS/FITU

Julieta Katcoff, Councilwoman for the city of Neuquén, PTS/FITU

Laura Cano, Provincial Deputy (Buenos Aires) for the Frente de Izquierda y de los Trabajadores — Unidad, member of the provincial board of directors of Cicop (health)

Anabela Colli, Councilwoman (elected) of José C. Paz, Buenos Aires, PTS/FITU

Erica Seitler, Councilwoman (elected) of Moreno, Buenos Aires, PTS/FITU

Andrea D’Atri, leader of the Partido de los Trabajadores Socialistas, initiator of the Pan y Rosas women’s group

Marilina Arias, Teacher CABA, Member of the Board of Directors of Ademys

Luana Simioni, Internal Board of IOMA La Plata

Lorena Timko, Internal Board of Desarrollo Social La Plata

Graciela Frañol, grassroots delegate of ATEN Neuquén (teachers)

Nathalia González Seligra, from the CD of SUTEBA La Matanza (teachers of the Province of Buenos Aires)


Fabiola Quispe, lawyer and member of PRODHCRE (Profesionales Por Los Derechos Humanos y Contra la Represión Estatal), La Paz

Gabriela Ruesgas, economist and professor of sociology — UMSA, La Paz

Daniela Castro, anthropology graduate student — UMSA, La Paz

Gabriela Alfred, philosophy graduate, researcher, Tarija

Violeta Tamayo, political scientist and researcher, La Paz


Letícia Parks, militant of Quilombo Vermelho

Fernanda Peluci, leader of the Sindicato dos Metroviários de São Paulo

Carolina Cacau, teacher Rede Estadual do Rio de Janeiro

Diana Assunção, base director of the Sindicato dos Trabajadores de la Universidade de São Paulo

Maíra Machado, leader of Apeoesp (Sindicato dos Professores do Estado de São Paulo)

Flávia Telles, coordinator of Centro Acadêmico de Ciências Humanas da Universidade Estadual de Campinas

Flavia Valle, teacher Rede Estadual de Minas Gerais

Val Muller, student UFRGS and activist of Juventude Faísca, Rio Grande do Sul

Virgínia Guitzel, trans activist, student of UFABC, São Paulo


Natalia Sánchez, medical doctor and councilwoman, Antofagasta

Joseffe Cáceres, cleaning worker and union leader, Universidad Pedagógica, Santiago

Patricia Romo, president, Colegio de Profesores Comunal, Antofagasta

Pamela Contreras Mendoza, education assistant and former spokesperson, Coordinadora 8 de Marzo, Valparaíso

Nataly Flores, retail worker, director, Easy union, Antofagasta

Camila Delgado, retail union leader, Temuco


Fernanda Quirós, president, Association of Philosophy Students, University of Costa Rica

Paola Zeledón, call center worker, host of the program “Perspectiva de Izquierda,” La Izquierda Diario Costa Rica

Mónica Gallardo, student


Laura Varlet, railway worker at SNCF in Seine-Saint Denis, Paris region

Marion Dujardin, visual arts teacher in Paris region

Alberta Nur, student at University of Toulouse II le Mirail

Elsa Marcel, lawyer in Paris


Charlotte Ruga, nurse midwife at the München Klinik Hospital, Munich

Lilly Schön, economist, worker at the University of Technology and Economics, Berlin

Tabea Winter, student of social work, Alice Salomon University, Berlin


Scilla Di Pietro, restaurant worker

Ylenia Gironella


Sandra Romero, paramedic in Covid-19 frontline care

Sulem Estrada Saldaña, basic education teacher

Yara Villaseñor, precarious service worker

Alejandra Sepúlveda, reinstated state worker, labor rights defender

Miriam Hernández, administrative worker at UNAM

Joss Espinosa, philosophy and literature student at UNAM

Alejandra Santamaría, precarious teacher, fired during struggle

Mariel Ochoa y Luanda Rodríguez, precarious state worker, fired during struggle


Cecilia Quiroz, leader of Pan y Rosas


Josefina L. Martínez, journalist and historian, Madrid

Cynthia Burgueño, historian and education worker, Barcelona

Lucía Nistal, researcher, UAM, Madrid

Verónica Landa, journalist, Esquerra Diari, Barcelona


Karina Rojas, social worker


Suhey Ochoa, student, Universidad Central de Venezuela

Workers, students, homemakers, and activists who make up Brot und Rosen, Germany; Pan y Rosas, Argentina; Pan y Rosas, Bolivia; Pão e Rosas, Brazil; Pan y Rosas “Teresa Flores,” Chile; Pan y Rosas, Costa Rica; Pan y Rosas, Spanish State; Bread and Roses, United States; Du pain et des roses, France; Il pane e le rose, Italy; Pan y Rosas, Mexico; Pan y Rosas, Peru; Pan y Rosas, Uruguay; Pan y Rosas, Venezuela

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