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Guest Posts

Hillary Clinton’s New Cold War

With Donald Trump’s campaign in shambles, Hillary Clinton is racing toward the Presidency. But her rhetoric contains a danger of deepening hostility toward Russia and dangerous saber-rattling over the Middle East.

Wayne Deluca

October 12, 2016

Trotsky and Gramsci on Revolutionary Strategy

“Whereas other writers often see these two Marxists in conflict, Albamonte and Maiello view them not as adversaries, but as comrades-in-arms who have points of convergence alongside their differences.” Marxist historian Doug Greene discusses the main topics presented in a new book by two national leaders of the Partido de los Trabajadores Socialistas (PTS).

Doug Enaa Greene

September 15, 2016

The Impact of Brexit

British economist Michael Roberts writes about the immediate and long-term consequences of the Brexit.

Michael Roberts

June 29, 2016

Turkey Hit Again by Attacks

The recent airport attack in Istanbul is the eleventh attack since mid-2015. At the same time, the Erdogan government has redoubled repression throughout the country and heightened the war against the Kurdish population.

Barış Yıldırım

June 29, 2016

Is the Green Party the Next Step for Socialists?

The Green Party is projected as an alternative to the Democrats and Hillary Clinton. But who do they represent, and can socialists support them?

Wayne Stephen

June 8, 2016

The Forgotten Workers’ Control Movement of Prague Spring

In his book, Pete Dolack retells the story of the workers' council movement in former Czechoslovakia that sprang up after the Soviet invasion in 1968.

Pete Dolack

March 30, 2016

Voices from the Rhodes Must Fall Campaign

The Rhodes Must Fall movement (#RhodesMustFall), sparked by a protest action at the University of Cape Town on March 9, 2015, spread quickly to other university campuses in South Africa. It has been echoed by a campaign at Oxford University to bring down a statue of the Victorian imperialist Cecil Rhodes, attracting enormous public attention.


March 28, 2016

The Ansteel Strike in Guangzhou and Continued Attempts by the Chinese State to Crack Down on Labor

In a year which has seen much labor militancy, a labor strike at a Guangzhou steel factory involving reportedly more than 2,000 workers has captured much attention. The strike lasted seven days, with some partial victories. Workers were demonstrating against pay cuts, lay-offs, and the introduction of a performance-based payment system.

Brian Hioe

March 7, 2016

New Year, Old Struggles: The Strike for a Collective Agreement in the Logistics Sector

Since 2008, the logistics sector in Italy has been the epicenter of a wave of struggles led by a workforce mainly manned by immigrants. These struggles have at times been severely repressed by the employers (with the support of heavy deployment of police), but have also gained significant victories. These victories are not only to be celebrated by the workers in question, rather their meaning goes beyond the logistic sector and speaks to all of us.

Clash City Workers

January 13, 2016