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Swedish dockworkers do battle with APM Terminals

Swedish dockworkers in the port of Gothenburg are in the midst of a long-running dispute with APM Terminals (APMT). This dispute between members of the Swedish Dockworkers’ Union (SDU) and APMT has seen the union’s right to represent its own members targeted and Swedish labor laws ignored by the company. APMT is now threatening to lay off as many as one hundred dockworkers.

Sean Robertson

February 23, 2017

Swedish Dockworkers’ Union: Born Fighting Bosses and Bureaucrats

The Swedish Dockworkers’ Union (SDU), or Svenska Hamnarbetarförbundet (HAMN) in Swedish, has been shaped by decades of rank and file dockworkers’ rebellion, bureaucratic expulsions from a general transport union and a long history of international solidarity.

Sean Robertson

February 22, 2017

The Uncertainty of the Presidential Elections and the “Organic Crisis” of French Capitalism

"It’s like watching a Quentin Tarantino movie". This is how two editors from Le Monde began an article describing the series of unprecedented events and the high level of uncertainty in the French presidential elections.

Juan Chingo

February 20, 2017

Police Rape Black Man in Paris, Sparking Protests

Four policemen brutally raped a Black youth during an identity check in the northern Parisian suburb of Aulnay-sous-Bois on Thursday, February 2. The 22-year-old victim was hospitalized for severe injuries. While the Internal Affairs Bureau deems the incident a mere accident, this new act of police brutality has sparked outrage both locally and nationally.

Ivan Matewan

February 10, 2017

University Occupation in Berlin: Beginning of a New Students’ Movement?

The Social Science Institute in the center of Berlin has been occupied for three weeks. Is this the beginning of a new students' movement in Germany?

Nathaniel Flakin

February 9, 2017

Refugees: The End of the German Illusion

Trump’s anti-immigrant executive order and refugee ban were harshly condemned by the German Chancellor. Several media outlets present Merkel as the last democratic hope of the West. But how have the refugees who arrived in Germany fared? And what of those who attempted to enter the European nation and now languish in Turkish camps? Was the acceptance of refugees by Germany driven by humanitarian ideals or by economic interests and the need to preserve the integrity of capitalist Europe? In this article, we present an assessment of 2016 and German policy in relation to the refugee crisis.

Sebastian Vargas

February 8, 2017

Thousands of Women March Against Trump in London

The Women's March on Washington has arrived in London, with thousands marching against Trump on January 21.

Left Voice

January 21, 2017

The Working Class, the Left, and Right-Wing Populism

The election of Donald Trump and the rise of the far right in Europe have rekindled the much-needed debate about the left’s relationship with the working class.

Diego Lotito

December 20, 2016

The Struggle for Abortion Rights in Ireland

Women in Ireland still do not have the right to an abortion and the Catholic church continues to hold a central role in political life. What is the struggle for abortion rights like in Ireland and how does reformism weaken the struggle?

J. McAnulty

December 7, 2016