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Interview: What’s happening in Greece after the Referendum?

The “NO” victory in the Greek referendum showed that a majority of workers and youth rejected the terms of the bailout and oppose paying a debt that amounts to 180% of the country’s GDP. What are the possible scenarios after Sunday’s referendum?

Left Voice

July 7, 2015

Tsipras’ concessions and Syriza’s left wing

There is a growing tension between Tsipras and the left platform within SYRIZA due to the negotiations with the Troika. However, Syriza’s “left wing” acts only as formal opposition, while in government continuing to support the parliament's decisions.

Diego Lotito

July 6, 2015

The Greek people have said NO to the adjustment measures. Now it is time to organise the struggle to defeat the Troika.

With almost all the votes counted, 61% are for "No" and 39% for "Yes". The 22-point difference proves wrong those who predicted a narrow result. According to several sources, the “No” vote was stronger in working class districts and among young voters.

Left Voice

July 5, 2015

What does the Greek left say?

We are sharing two statements, sent to us, on the Greek referendum, to be held on July 5th.

Left Voice

July 4, 2015

2,000 people in Berlin say “OXI” to the Troika

On Friday afternoon, 2,000 people gathered at Berlin's Oranienplatz to say "OXI" ("NO") to the Troika and the German government who are imposing brutal austerity measures on the people of Greece.

Nathaniel Flakin

July 3, 2015

Greece in default, Tsipras’ red lines and the significance of the referendum

Greece has been declared to be “in arrears” after missing a deadline for a €1.5 billion payment to the IMF. As a result, worldwide markets trembled for the last few days. Banks throughout Greece are closed to prevent capital outflow and the people are on the streets. The SYRIZA government has called for a national referendum to vote on the Troika’s draconian proposal, urging the public to vote NO in order to return to the negotiating table.

Juan Cruz Ferre

July 2, 2015

In solidarity with the Greek workers and people, against the imperialist blackmail

The troika under the instruction of the German government and the imperialist banks have put Greece between a rock and a hard place. In spite of all the concessions made by the Syriza-led government, which had presented a plan accepting 90% of the austerity measures demanded by the creditors, European capital and the IMF are not satisfied and want further cuts. The European institutions want a total surrender by the Greek people. They want the Greek people to accept the payment of the debt and the EU austerity measures that have plunged the country into unprecedented misery. This has been accomplished with the complicity of the Greek capitalist class and its parties. Drop Greece’s debt! No to austerity! We are publishing here a statement by the Trotskyist Fraction - Fourth International.

Left Voice

July 1, 2015

Strike at Germany’s biggest hospital

Germany's biggest hospital is on strike: The Charité, Berlin's university clinic, employs 13,000 workers. The struggle began this Monday, after 96% of trade union members had voted in favor of strike action. The workers are demanding a better personell ratio. One nurse currently has to deal with up to 14 patients – they are demanding a ratio of one to five, and during the night shifts, they want to have at least two nurses at each station. This is the first time nurses in Germany have gone on strike for more personell.

Nathaniel Flakin

June 26, 2015

Tsipras’ capitulation and the crisis of Syriza

After five months of negotiations, Syriza agreed with the European Union (EU) governments on several proposed cuts last Monday. These agreements look to secure the last phase of the 7.2 billion euro bailout, and prevent the country’s bankruptcy.

Celeste Murillo

June 25, 2015