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United States

The Migrant Caravan: A Challenge to Donald Trump

Despair. That was the expression on the faces of nearly 7,500 Central American migrants as they crossed from Guatemala into Mexico’s southern border on Friday. The Mexican police, doing the dirty work of Donald Trump, met them with riot gear, tear gas, and violence.

Jimena Vergara

October 24, 2018

Crystal Mason Begins 5+ Year Prison Sentence for Voting While on Parole

On September 27, 43-year-old Crystal Mason began a nearly six-year prison sentence. Her crime? Voting in the 2016 presidential election

Madeleine Freeman

October 10, 2018

Socialist for US Senate Barred from the Ballot

In a blatant display of anti-democratic maneuvers by the State of Connecticut, socialist candidate Fred Linck has been denied application for ballot status after collecting over 11,000 supporting signatures.

Left Voice

October 2, 2018

[VIDEO] Thousands March Against Kavanaugh in NYC

On Monday evening, thousands took to the streets of New York City to oppose the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh, denounce the anti-democratic character of the Supreme Court and speak out against sexism and rape culture.

Left Voice

October 2, 2018

Kavanaugh, the Supreme Court, and the Need for a Stronger Challenge

Despite the shockingly farcical hearing in which Brett Kavanaugh was forced to address allegations of his history of sexual assault, there is every indication that he will be confirmed by the Senate Judiciary Committee and seated on the Supreme Court. The SCOTUS is, by design, an unaccountable branch of the government. On Monday, Left Voice will join the beginnings of a movement in the streets and will speak to the need for militant reforms.

Francesca Gomes

October 1, 2018

‘No Power Greater’: Solidarity and Struggle at CUNY

Adjunct faculty at CUNY have been exploited for decades, but the union leadership has done little to address the problem. A militant, rank and file strategy, grounded in solidarity, is the only winning solution.

James Dennis Hoff

September 23, 2018

Who Won the NY Democratic Party Primary?

Thursday's New York Democratic Party primary ended with big wins for the establishment. However, democratic socialist Julia Salazar also won her state senate race. What does this mean for socialists?

Tatiana Cozzarelli

September 19, 2018

Hotel Struggles Across the Nation

With the eruption of strike action by Chicago hotel workers, hotel worker William Lewis argues that the unions have the power to organize the unorganized, spread the strike nationally -- and win.

Ioan Georg

September 17, 2018

[VIDEO] Stamford: Workers at Hilton Picket for a Contract

For months the workers of the Hilton Stamford have been battling it out for a good contract. They won recognition for their union 110 votes to five in December of 2017. Since then they have been strengthening their organization internally while mobilizing for fights outside their hotel.

Left Voice

September 16, 2018