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Ideas & Debates

The Russian Revolution and National Self-determination

The constitution born from the Russian Revolution is the first and only one to accept the principle of national self-determination — an important democratic right that the majority of the Western capitalist democracies still deny 100 years later.

Women in the Revolution, the Revolution in Women’s Lives

What effect did the Russian Revolution have on women's lives?

Andrea D'Atri

March 5, 2018

The Labor Movement is Dead. Long Live the Labor Movement

Kim Moody’s latest book, On New Terrain, analyzes the current economic and political landscape as well as its present history and draws conclusions about the future of socialist organizing.

James Dennis Hoff

March 1, 2018

José Carlos Mariátegui, Latin American Communism, and the Russian Revolution

Who was José Carlos Mariátegui and how did he contribute to Latin American communism?

Jimena Vergara

February 18, 2018

Who was Nahuel Moreno?

Nahuel Moreno helped build one of the most important currents to claim the mantle of the Fourth International. Who was he and what what did he contribute to the left?

Gabriela Liszt

February 16, 2018

Love and Socialism

Throughout history, love has been at the service of the ruling class. What would love be like in socialism?

Tatiana Cozzarelli

February 13, 2018

Why the IMF is Losing Hope in the Economy

Economist Paula Bach describes the contradictions that lie behind the current market volatility and why the “experts” are losing confidence in the global economy.

Paula Bach

February 11, 2018

Tamás Krausz: Lenin’s Legacy as a Threat to Capitalism

Left Voice presents an interview with author Tamás Krausz on Lenin's legacy.

Left Voice

February 9, 2018

Revolution and Black Struggle: Marxism as a Weapon Against Racism and Capitalism

How can Marxism be used to fight the interconnected systems of racism and capitalism?

Marcello Pablito

February 1, 2018