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Labor Movement

The Emerging Potentials of France’s “Yellow Vest” Movement

Who are the “yellow vest” protesters? What are their demands? What role should the workers’ movement and the far left play in their uprising?

Daniela Cobet

December 3, 2018

Massive Protests Against the Tax Fuel Raise in France

President Emmanuel Macron announced a 6.5% fuel tax hike for January 2019. Thousands took to the streets wearing yellow vests, a mandatory item in every car. The spontaneous ‘yellow vest’ movement spread across the country like wildfire. In Paris, the police responded with tear gas and water cannons.

Left Voice

November 25, 2018

UAW Sells Out Graduate Workers at Columbia with No-Strike Pledge

The UAW agreed to a backroom deal with Columbia University that would limit the right of graduate employees to strike for 17 months and severely weaken their bargaining power to negotiate a first contract. The Graduate Workers of Columbia must vote it down.

James Dennis Hoff

November 25, 2018

[VIDEO] Stamford Sheraton Workers are Fighting for a Union!

After the overwhelming victory by the workers of the Stamford Hilton, the workers of the Sheraton have joined the fight!

Left Voice

November 20, 2018

Fruit Does Not Pack Itself: A Look Into Migrant Women’s Labor

A migrant woman worker shares her experience of the conditions that capitalism creates for women on both sides of the border—and why unity of the working class is imperative.

Rosario Cuevas

November 15, 2018

‘No Power Greater’: Solidarity and Struggle at CUNY

Adjunct faculty at CUNY have been exploited for decades, but the union leadership has done little to address the problem. A militant, rank and file strategy, grounded in solidarity, is the only winning solution.

James Dennis Hoff

September 23, 2018

Hotel Struggles Across the Nation

With the eruption of strike action by Chicago hotel workers, hotel worker William Lewis argues that the unions have the power to organize the unorganized, spread the strike nationally -- and win.

Ioan Georg

September 17, 2018

[VIDEO] Stamford: Workers at Hilton Picket for a Contract

For months the workers of the Hilton Stamford have been battling it out for a good contract. They won recognition for their union 110 votes to five in December of 2017. Since then they have been strengthening their organization internally while mobilizing for fights outside their hotel.

Left Voice

September 16, 2018

General Strike Mobilizes Costa Rica

San Jose—The Costa Rican working class has again burst onto the stage of history. Public-sector workers have launched a countrywide general strike against the government’s austerity plan to deal with the country’s fiscal crisis.

Elena Zeledón

September 14, 2018