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Biden’s South Carolina Win Breathes Life Into Democratic Party Establishment

Joe Biden’s impressive performance in South Carolina indicates that the field may have narrowed to just him and Bernie Sanders. As Super Tuesday approaches, the two candidates are fighting for control over their respective wings of the Democratic Party and it is still unclear which man will become the nominee --- or if Elizabeth Warren can act as a spoiler and force a contested convention.

Sybil Davis

March 2, 2020

Iowa and the Farce of American Democracy

The Iowa Caucus results reveal a Democratic party in crisis and show that democracy is just a buzzword for the Democrats.

Tatiana Cozzarelli

February 5, 2020

From Queer Liberation to Socialist Revolution

There is no revolution without queer liberation. The Following is a speech on the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall uprising by Left Voice editor Tatiana Cozzarelli given last December 13th at Left Voice magazine's issue #5 launch party.

Tatiana Cozzarelli

January 9, 2020

Trump’s Attack on Iran: Why Now?

The assassination of Iranian general Qasem Soleimani by a US drone strike last Friday reflects a desperate attempt by a failing administration to reassert US hegemony in a region where it is being increasingly challenged.

Claudia Cinatti

January 6, 2020

Down With U.S. Imperialist Aggression Against Iran!

The US assassination of Iran's top general on Friday marked a radical intensification of the ongoing conflict between the US and Iran that could lead to yet another US-led war in the region. It is the duty of socialists and working people everywhere to organize against this blatant imperialist aggression and demand that the US leave the Middle East.

Left Voice

January 5, 2020

We don’t need to impeach Trump. We have the power to throw him out.

The Democrats have opened an impeachment investigation against Trump. But as recent protests in Puerto Rico displayed, we don’t need an impeachment to get rid of a corrupt politician. We shouldn’t fall for the Democrats’ distractions.

Sybil Davis

September 25, 2019

The Democratic Party Doesn’t Care About Immigrants

Democratic Party primary candidates would like you to believe they care about immigrants, but their proposed reforms would do little to end the massive suffering, fear and death caused by the brutal immigration apparatus their party helped to build.

James Dennis Hoff

July 8, 2019

Conclusions After the First Democratic Debates of 2019

The first Democratic debates are now over, meaning the primary season for 2020 is now fully underway. Featuring 20 candidates over the course of two nights, the debates offered important insights into the candidates’ strategies — both in what was said and what was not.

Robert Belano

June 28, 2019

Iran: U.S. Once Again Beating the Drums of War

After attacks on two oil tankers last Thursday, tensions between the U.S. and Iran are heating up and Trump's State department is already building a case for war. Could this be the lead-up to military conflict?

James Dennis Hoff

June 20, 2019

Trans Rights Have No Borders: Johana and Roxanna’s Lives Matter

On the first day of LGBTQ+ Pride month, Johana Medina Leon died four days after being released from ICE custody.