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SEARCH RESULTS FOR: Coronavirus COVID-19 Capitalism

Women on the Front Lines of the Health Crisis and the Fight Against Patriarchal and Racist Capitalism!

100 Days of the Covid-19 Pandemic: International Manifesto of the Feminist, Socialist, and Revolutionary Group Pan y Rosas (Bread and Roses)

Left Voice

June 21, 2020

The Fight to Abolish the Police Is the Fight to Abolish Capitalism

With the current uprisings against police terror, it is imperative that we understand how to rid ourselves of state repression and achieve real abolition. The struggle requires an understanding of police violence as well as of capitalism.

Carmin Maffea

June 10, 2020

The Progressive International: The Center Left Attempts to Rescue Capitalism

Public figures including Naomi Klein, Noam Chomsky, Elizabeth Goméz Alcorta, Yanis Varoufakis, and Álvaro García Linera have called for the formation of a Progressive International — a front to rescue the institutions of capitalist democracy.

Facundo Aguirre

May 21, 2020

Peru’s Healthcare System Collapses Under the Weight of the Coronavirus Pandemic

With almost 100,000 confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Peru, Lima’s hospitals are already at capacity and cannot receive more patients. Doctors working at public hospitals are now having to decide on who can receive care in the intensive care units.

Cecilia Quiroz

May 20, 2020

Structural Violence, COVID-19, and The Bronx: A Black Physician on Health Inequities

A Bronx physician writes about the social determinants of health that are sometimes forgotten in the discussion. And the need for solidarity against the crisis.

Vanessa Ferrel

May 19, 2020

Two South Dakota Sioux Tribes Protect Their People from COVID-19, Defying the Governor’s Order

In South Dakota, two Native American tribes have set up checkpoints to screen for the coronavirus. The governor of South Dakota, Kristi Noem, has ordered the tribes to remove the checkpoints. Despite threats of legal action, the tribes have refused in an effort to save the lives of their people.

Allison Noel

May 17, 2020

The COVID-19 Conjuncture

In this interview, Warren Montag argues that the COVID-19 pandemic is being used by capital to enforce --- through the instrument of the state --- unheard-of levels of market discipline to secure profits at the expense of working people’s lives. 

Warren Montag

May 16, 2020

COVID-19 Billionaires: Who Are the Virus Profiteers?

Amazon’s Jeff Bezos has increased his wealth by $10 billion since the United States was hit by COVID-19. Who else is profiting from the pandemic?

Javier Nuet

May 12, 2020

Capitalism is a Virus: Value Chains, Class Struggle, and the United Front

The coronavirus has spread around the world through the circuits of capital and value chains, dividing the working class and putting millions of frontline workers at risk. Reorganizing the forces of the proletariat to respond to this threat is the only way forward. 

James Dennis Hoff

May 11, 2020

Ecocide and the Coronavirus: How the Capitalist Mode of Production Makes Pandemics Inevitable

The capitalist mode of production has proven itself fatal for nature and humanity. The most recent manifestation of this is the global spread of the coronavirus. As socialists, how can we confront these problems in a way that will be both sustainable for the environment and for human life?

Allison Noel

April 30, 2020