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Women on the Front Lines of the Health Crisis and the Fight Against Patriarchal and Racist Capitalism!

100 Days of the Covid-19 Pandemic: International Manifesto of the Feminist, Socialist, and Revolutionary Group Pan y Rosas (Bread and Roses)

Left Voice

June 21, 2020

The Pandemic and the Anti-Police Uprising Are Reshaping the Terrain of Class Struggle

A new period of class struggle is unfolding, marked by a shift to the left in the political situation, attempts to co-opt a disruptive anti-racist and anti-police movement, and two actors — the labor movement and the socialist left — that might come out of it much stronger if they rise to the occasion.

Juan Cruz Ferre

June 16, 2020

Where is the DSA in the Current Uprising?

With the uprising against police brutality at a decisive turning point, the largest socialist organization in the U.S. --- the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) --- can play a significant role in fueling the momentum of the movement and pushing its demands forward. But it has to make significant changes in its strategy first.

Tatiana Cozzarelli

June 11, 2020

Vivek Chibber’s ABCs of Reformism: Reality Has Overtaken Social Democratic Illusions

A year and a half ago, Jacobin magazine put out a series of pamphlets on the ABCs of Capitalism. Reformist theorist Vivek Chibber argues that the bourgeois democratic state has so much legitimacy as to make revolutionary politics impossible. Today, when 54% of the U.S. population thinks it is justified to burn down a police station, such reformist ideas appear like satire.

Ahmed Kanna

June 10, 2020

Conceived in Crisis, Uprisings Against Police Terror Rattle the Foundations of the U.S. State

On Wednesday, the mayor of Minnesota announced that Derek Chauvin --- the police officer that suffocated George Floyd --- will be charged with second degree murder, and that the other three cops who were accomplices of Chauvin will finally be arrested. This is an important victory for the movement; but these protests are unlike anything we have seen before and there is plenty of potential for continued unrest and resistance. 

James Dennis Hoff

June 3, 2020

“F**k Your Curfew!”: Protests Grow Despite Curfews Ordered Across the Country

Mayors in cities across the United States are implementing curfew in the latest maneuver to stop anti-police protests exploding in every state. This is nothing but a move to authorize the repression of protesters and the unbridled violence of the state.

Sybil Davis

June 3, 2020

Justice for George Floyd: An International Statement of Solidarity

The racist murder of George Floyd in the United States is generating an unprecedented wave of mobilizations throughout the country. In solidarity, we publish here the declaration of the Trotskyist Fraction–Fourth International in reaction to these events.

The Progressive International: The Center Left Attempts to Rescue Capitalism

Public figures including Naomi Klein, Noam Chomsky, Elizabeth Goméz Alcorta, Yanis Varoufakis, and Álvaro García Linera have called for the formation of a Progressive International — a front to rescue the institutions of capitalist democracy.

Facundo Aguirre

May 21, 2020

The Revolution Will Not Be Localized

Mutual aid and other forms of local organizing are important, but can never overthrow capitalism on their own. How should socialists proceed?

Sybil Davis

May 8, 2020

On the Front Line to Make the Capitalists Pay for the Pandemic and its Brutal Consequences

Statement by revolutionary socialist organizations from 14 countries and the Left Voice / La Izquierda Diario network for May 1, International Workers' Day