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SEARCH RESULTS FOR: break with the democratic party

The Emerging Potentials of France’s “Yellow Vest” Movement

Who are the “yellow vest” protesters? What are their demands? What role should the workers’ movement and the far left play in their uprising?

Daniela Cobet

December 3, 2018

Nagle Is Wrong: There Is No Left Case Against Open Borders

Angela Nagle and other reformists are wrong. The “left case” against open borders ignores imperialism and functions on the false premise that capitalists want to open the borders.

Jimena Vergara

November 30, 2018

100 Years Ago in Berlin: The Bitter Lesson of a Defeat

The Social Democrats and the military prepared to crush the revolution. A big majority of the working class desired socialism – but they had no major party of their own to lead the struggles. What lessons can be draw from this bloody defeat?

Nathaniel Flakin

November 27, 2018

The PT, Neoliberalism, and the Brazilian Regime

The Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT - Workers’ Party) has played an important role during decisive moments of Brazilian history. This article offers a critical overview of the party’s responsibility for maintaining the Brazilian capitalist regime.

Edison Urbano

November 20, 2018

Who Is Beto O’Rourke?

Robert “Beto” O’Rourke is quickly becoming a household name after coming within three percentage points of ruining Ted Cruz’s reelection in Texas. It is hard to overstate the enthusiasm O’Rourke’s campaign generated statewide and nationally. His record-breaking fundraising reached over $40 million, while he nominally refused corporate cash, and he received a series of high-profile celebrity endorsements, including from Beyoncé and LeBron James.

Renato Flores

November 12, 2018

Five Takeaways from the Midterm Elections

Democrats handily took control of the House, but a few key defeats tainted the election results. The great protagonist: women of color.

Juan Cruz Ferre

November 7, 2018

‘The Workers Invented a Concept for Socialist Transformation’

On November 9, 1918, the revolution began in Germany. We spoke with historian Ralf Hoffrogge about the role of the "Revolutionary Stewards."

Nathaniel Flakin

November 5, 2018

Karl Kautsky: From Pope to Renegade

In the last few years, there has been a revival of interest in Kautsky's politics in both academia and on the political left.

Doug Enaa Greene

October 3, 2018

Keep Fred on the Ballot! Protest Exclusionary Vote Tampering in Connecticut

Socialist Action (SA) Senatorial candidate, Fred Linck, faces the threat of bureaucratic exclusion from the upcoming November election.

Thaddeus Greene

September 15, 2018

Lula’s Proscription, Judiciary Power and the Meaning of Democracy

Those on the left who refuse to defend Lula’s right to run for president are failing not only to act as good revolutionary socialists, but even as consistent democrats.

Emilio Albamonte

September 12, 2018