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Democratic Party

Jim Crow Joe and Kamala the Cop: Another Blue Lives Matter Ticket

Joe Biden ended months of speculation on Tuesday when he announced that Kamala Harris, the former Attorney General of California and current U.S. senator, would be his running mate. This choice is a blatant attempt to co-opt a movement against anti-Black police by nominating a Black woman who talks about racial justice. But, Harris is not only pro-cop and pro-prison. She is responsible for locking up and terrorizing communities of color.

Tatiana Cozzarelli

August 11, 2020

Don’t Settle For Biden — Fight For Socialism!

The social media campaign “Settle for Biden” is just the latest version of the Democrats’ lesser evilism campaign. They want to convince us that Biden is our only option for defeating Donald Trump. The truth is that Biden and Trump are just two sides of the same capitalist coin. Only the working class can get rid of the oppression that they represent. 

Sybil Davis

August 3, 2020

Crocodile Tears and Rising Poll Numbers: The Democrats Doth Protest Too Much

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler was recently tear gassed by federal agents while marching with protesters. But Democratic Mayors are no friends of protesters. They are attempting to cynically position themselves as allies of the Black Lives Matter movement in order to co-opt it.

Sybil Davis

July 27, 2020

Sanders Had Already Endorsed Biden’s Candidacy — Now He’s Endorsed Biden’s Program

A joint task force composed of Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden supporters released its policy recommendations last week. Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez applauded the program — even though it rejects Medicare For All and other leftist policies. 

Otto Fors

July 13, 2020

U.S. Democracy Is Not Very Democratic

July 4 is the day when Americans are asked to celebrate the birth of American democracy; however, the little democracy that exists within the U.S. is tainted by compromises with and deference to the power of capital. The only path to a truly democratic way of life is through socialism.  

Nathaniel Flakin

July 4, 2020

Racism Is Bipartisan

Bourgeois democracy and the two-party regime in the U.S. are key to sustaining racism.

Ana Rivera

July 2, 2020

If There Is to Be Any Future for the U.S. Left, We Must Break with Sanders and the Democrats

The class struggle sparked by the pandemic and the uprising against racist police brutality are showing the limits of incrementalist politics. While millions are asking for radical change, Bernie Sanders puts forward lukewarm reforms and strives to secure electoral support for Joe Biden.

Juan Cruz Ferre

June 30, 2020

The Democrats’ New Police Reform Bill Is Terrible

The Democrats have unveiled a new police reform bill. It is chock full of reforms that have already been implemented, to little success. Reform is no substitute for abolition.

John Goodhue

June 10, 2020

Larry Krasner and the Myth of “Progressive” Criminal Justice

With the streets full of people confronting the racist capitalist system and its endemic police brutality and murder, the cry that the criminal justice system is broken raises a question: How do we fix it? The wrong answer is to count on so-called “progressive” district attorneys, who rarely if ever actually cross the “thin blue line” of cops.

Scott Cooper

June 6, 2020