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Donald Trump

The Democrats Don’t Love All Whistleblowers

As the Democrats in Congress prepare to impeach Trump, they are praising the CIA whistleblower as a hero. But these same politicians have viciously persecuted whistleblowers who dared to expose the crimes of U.S. imperialism. Whistleblowers deserve our unreserved support irrespective of the magnitude of their leaks. Freedom and protection for all whistleblowers!

Sou Mi

October 2, 2019

We don’t need to impeach Trump. We have the power to throw him out.

The Democrats have opened an impeachment investigation against Trump. But as recent protests in Puerto Rico displayed, we don’t need an impeachment to get rid of a corrupt politician. We shouldn’t fall for the Democrats’ distractions.

Sybil Davis

September 25, 2019

Devastation in the Bahamas Provokes Nothing But Xenophobia From Trump

As the Bahamas experiences one of its worst humanitarian crises, Donald Trump is refusing to grant temporary protected status to people displaced by the hurricane and is barring Bahamians from entering the country. His denial of the extent of Hurricane Dorian’s destruction highlights the differences in how the ruling class and the working class will have to respond to impending climate disaster.

Maryam Alaniz

September 13, 2019

“Looking for a Fight”: Police Escalate Violence Against Counter-Protesters at Boston’s “Straight Pride”

On August 31, protesters turned out in hundreds to stand up against the homophobic, xenophobic “straight pride parade” in Boston. The state deployed police forces from across Massachusetts to protect the fascist march and violently repress counter-protesters. A participant in the confrontation recounts the events and explains why the left needs its own bodies of self-defense to combat the right and the state.

Violet Glaser

September 11, 2019

Donald Trump is an Anti-Semite

Donald Trump recently claimed that any American Jew who didn’t support him was “disloyal.” In fact, Trump is no friend to Jewish people.

Sybil Davis

August 27, 2019

Showdown in Portland: The Cops Side With the Fascists (As Usual)

Over the weekend, neo-fascist groups marched in Portland under police protection. Meanwhile, Trump tweeted against Anti-fa. This kind of support from the police is no anomaly.

Maria Aurelio

August 19, 2019

Capitalism Cannot Stop Mass Shootings

Mass shootings are directly linked to capitalist alienation, misogyny and racism. Only socialism can bring people together to reject the lies of capitalism and the many ills that it creates.

Julia Wallace

August 13, 2019

“Going Postal”: Neoliberalism and Mass Shootings

Recent weeks have seen a wave of mass shootings, inspired in no small part by Trump’s racist scapegoating. Despite politicians’ attempts to blame everything from mental illness to video games, the fault ultimately lies with capitalism and its propensity towards constant violence.

Kevin Sapere

August 12, 2019

ICE Arrests 680 Immigrants: Release the Detainees, Close the Camps.

After yesterday's immigration raids in Mississippi, it is more important than ever that working people mobilize to release the detained immigrants, shut down the concentration camps and open the borders.

Left Voice

August 8, 2019