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Palestine, Marxists and the “One-State Solution”

Trump suggested that he may abandon plans for a "two-state solution." For decades, US foreign police has aimed to create a Palestinian state. But even before Trump's remarks, this solution was dead. How do Marxists propose to bring peace to the Middle East?

Nathaniel Flakin

February 16, 2017

Israel, Palestine, Anti-Semitism and the US Left

Once the flagship of US Trotskyism, the US Socialist Workers Party is reduced to a rubber life raft of derailed sectarianism. The SWP was for decades a proponent of the liberation of the Palestinian people, but in recent years has changed to a position that can only be called a tragic adaptation to Zionism.

John Leslie

September 13, 2016

‘The German Police is Arresting Jews for Antisemitism!’

On October 21, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited Angela Merkel in Berlin. There was a protest, activists were arrested. Almost routine, except a number of people arrested were Israelis and Jews. At least one was charged for anti-semitic hate speech. The following is an interview with Dror Dayan, a film student originally from Jerusalem who has lived in Berlin for ten years.

Nathaniel Flakin

October 31, 2015

Do not say please

The first Palestine Film Exhibition in Buenos Aires was organized last month by the Center for Palestine Studies at Columbia University, together with the National University of San Martin (UNSAM), and the Cooperation Cultural Center Floreal Gorini. The film, My Love Awaits me by the Sea, was screened at the BAMA Arye Cinema (Buenos Aires Mon Amour).

Gisele Lisak

October 17, 2015

Escalating Violence Between Palestinians and Israelis

A new escalation of violence has increased the tension between Palestinians and Israelis in the span of three weeks. Last weekend, two Palestinian youth of the ages 13 and 18 who were residents of the Aida refugee camp and the city of Tulkarem were gunned down by troops of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) after a series of clashes with Jewish settlers installed in the Palestinian territories of East Jerusalem and the West Bank. The repression left more than 500 injured while the Israeli Air Force attacked Gaza with missiles.

Miguel Raider

October 16, 2015

A New Intifada Approaching?

The latest eruptions of violence in the West Bank and Jerusalem did not appear out of nowhere. They have been slowly brewing in the colonialist policies of Israel, reinforced by Netanyahu.

Claudia Cinatti

October 10, 2015

Apartheid Beach: Tel-Aviv invited to Paris-Plages

French version from Revolution Permanente, August 11, 2015 Each summer the mayor of Paris traditionally creates artificial beaches along the river Seine in the center of Paris, a summer program known as “Paris-Plages” or “Paris Beaches”. This August, the city has decided to invite Tel-Aviv to the banks of the Seine to honor the capital […]

Mariana Cano

August 12, 2015

Israel and imperialism, out of Syria

In less than 48 hours, the State of Israel launched two rounds of aerial bombardments against military targets on the outskirts of Damascus, allegedly to prevent a quantity of more sophisticated missiles, of Iranian manufacture, from reaching Hezbollah, the Lebanese Shiite militia that defeated Israel in the last Lebanon war, in 2006. Although Israel had […]

Left Voice

May 11, 2013