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Labor Movement

Boycott Pepsi Products in Solidarity with Argentine Workers!

Workers at a PepsiCo factory in Argentina occupied the factory to protect their jobs. Send photos in support and boycott PepsiCo and Lay's products!

Left Voice

June 28, 2017

May Day in a Bureaucratic Union

Despite lip service to opposing Trump, CUNY’s Professional Staff Congress refused to organize a militant May Day.

Left Voice

May 16, 2017

Brazilian General Strike Begins With Roadblocks and Police Repression

There are pickets and roadblocks in cities around the country. In places like Sao Paulo and Rio, there has been repression. The Brazilian working class is fighting back against austerity and Temer’s coup government.

Left Voice

April 28, 2017

Support B&H Workers!

B&H, a famous New York photo, video and audio store, is trying to close its Brooklyn warehouses. 300 workers could lose their jobs – all because they voted to join a union. But labor activists aren't putting up with this attempt at union busting.

Nathaniel Flakin

April 25, 2017

General Strike Paralyzes French Guiana

Guiana, the unofficial French colony in South America, has been paralyzed by strikes and mass protests since Monday, March 27th. The Guianan people are demanding an end to rising crime and copious unemployment.

Ivan Matewan

April 1, 2017

AT&T Workers Fire Warning Shot Against the Company

Earlier this week, 17,000 AT&T workers in Nevada and California went on a one day strike against the company for unfair labor conditions.

Abby Nathanson

March 25, 2017

Woefully Understaffed, Maryland Nurses Fight to Unionize

Suzanne Mintz is a nurse at Holy Cross Hospital in Maryland. Since February 2016, she has been organizing with other nurses to form a union.

Suzanne Mintz

March 14, 2017

Spanish and International Unions Strike to Defend Spanish Dockworkers

The conservative government of Spain has set in motion plans to scrap the current port labor system, which would force over six thousand dockworkers to be laid off over four years. In response, Spanish dockworkers’ unions have launched a round of strikes that will begin on March 10. That day will also see international union federations hold an international day of strike action in solidarity with their Spanish colleagues.

Sean Robertson

March 9, 2017

Over Six Thousand Spanish Dockworkers’ Jobs Face the Axe

Over six thousand Spanish dockworkers could be made redundant if the Spanish government abides by the demands of the European Commission to scrap the country’s current port labor system.

Sean Robertson

March 9, 2017