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Leon Trotsky Lives on in Our American Struggle

Today marks 80 years since the murder of Leon Trotsky in Mexico, at the hand of an assassin sent by Joseph Stalin, as he sat at his desk reviewing an article his killer had written.

Scott Cooper

August 21, 2020

Canadian Trotskyism and the Legacy of James P. Cannon

photo James Patrick Cannon, SWP (Socialist Workers Party) local New York Revolutionary socialists in Canada and the United States began organizing a revolutionary workers’ party around the same time. This occurred in the wake of World War I. The new organizations adopted the name Communist Party, in solidarity with the leading force in the Russian […]

Barry Weisleder

July 27, 2018

Israel, Palestine, Anti-Semitism and the US Left

Once the flagship of US Trotskyism, the US Socialist Workers Party is reduced to a rubber life raft of derailed sectarianism. The SWP was for decades a proponent of the liberation of the Palestinian people, but in recent years has changed to a position that can only be called a tragic adaptation to Zionism.

John Leslie

September 13, 2016