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Ideas & Debates

Disputes Between U.S. and China Dominate UN General Assembly

This Year's remote meeting of the United Nations General Assembly reflected the continued global health crisis as well as the ongoing and increasingly sharp economic battle between the US and China.

Claudia Cinatti

September 26, 2020

How Capitalists Benefit from Science Denialism

Increasing science denialism in the wake of the pandemic has made space for the racist and xenophobic policies of the extreme Right across the world. But bourgeois democracy cannot stop the rise of the Far Right --- only the organization of the working class can.

Ana Rivera

September 24, 2020

An Introduction to Trotsky’s Theory of Permanent Revolution

First introduced over a hundred years ago, Leon Trotsky’s theory of Permanent Revolution remains a vital tool for understanding the world today. The theory shows that only the working class can lead a socialist revolution, and is an antidote to many who now claim that we can rely on bourgeois forces to take us half way there.

Kate Frey

September 22, 2020

France’s New Anticapitalist Party: Some Lessons for Revolutionaries

The history of the New Anticapitalist Party in France, which coincides with a decade-long period of intense class struggle in the country, is instructive for revolutionaries in the United States seeking a path forward to building an independent working-class party that will fight for socialism. So too are the nature of the current crisis of the NPA and the crisis of leadership that Leon Trotsky wrote about in 1938.

Scott Cooper

September 20, 2020

New Technologies, TikTok, Competition, and “Free” and Human Labor: An Interview with Economist Paula Bach

Economist Paula Bach, in an interview, addresses the future of work, new technologies and their relationship to the capitalist crisis, and how capitalism’s search for profit keeps new technologies from fulfilling their promise of vastly improving the lives of the great majority of people.

Paula Bach

September 19, 2020

Popular Radicalism in the 1930s: The History of the Workers’ Unemployment Insurance Bill

While Bourgeois historians and contemporary "common sense" would have us believe that American workers are inherently conservative, the struggle for the Workers' Unemployment Insurance Bill in the 1930s shows that popular movements can embrace radical demands and provides a lesson for our own times.

Chris Wright

September 18, 2020

Uneven Development and Imperialism Today: Engaging with the Ideas of David Harvey

The last few decades have been characterized by weak economic growth in the developed countries, which contrasts with the dynamism shown by China and other countries on the periphery. What does this tell us about the relations that characterize the world capitalist system?

Esteban Mercatante

September 13, 2020

Capitalism Caused the Suicide Epidemic. We Must Overthrow It

September 10 is World Suicide Prevention Day. Many NGOs, politicians, and corporations will release statements on the need to raise awareness around individual mental health. But they only pay lip service to a deeply systemic issue that is rooted in the injustices and exploitation of capitalism.

Sybil Davis

September 10, 2020

Learning from the Masses: Trotsky at the Modern Circus

In the early 20th century, mass audiences at the Modern Circus in Petrograd clamored at the sound of Trotsky’s voice, and he, in turn, vibrated to the rhythm of the audience. Marxist scholar Warren Montag dissects a passage of Trotsky’s 'My Life' and analyzes it through the lens of Baruch Spinoza. 

Warren Montag

September 6, 2020