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Ideas & Debates

What Is the Michigan Working Class Party?

The midterm elections happen amidst an atmosphere of polarization and politicalization, where the crisis of neoliberalism is growing acute, yet lesser evilism politics remain. For those on the Left, workers and the oppressed sick of the betrayals and disappointments with the two party system, a third political party calling itself the Working Class Party is seeking to be that alternative in Michigan, Maryland, and Illinois.

Tristan Taylor

November 8, 2022

#AllThatsLeftPod: Italy’s Far-Right Election Victory

In this episode of the podcast, we talk to an Italian socialist about the rise of the Far Right and their decisive election victory in Italy, as well as the way forward for the Left.

Left Voice

October 22, 2022

The “Logic of Escalation” and the War in Ukraine’s Multiple Fronts

After months of relative stagnation, recent events in the war in Ukraine have changed the dynamics and quickened the conflict’s pace — but not enough to end it. The Ukraine/NATO side is in no position to concede, but neither is Russia, which is far from having been defeated and places its hopes in the deepening fissures between the Western front backing Ukraine.

Claudia Cinatti

October 20, 2022

Hands Off Haiti, and Down with the IMF: Political Declaration of the Trotskyist Fraction–Fourth International

We republish the statement of the Trotskyist Fraction – Fourth International (FT-CI) against the U.S. and UN preparation for a new military intervention in Haiti.

#AllThatsLeftPod: Elections in Brazil

In this episode of the podcast, we talk about the upcoming general elections in Brazil, including Bolsonaro’s legacy, what a Lula presidency would look like, and what the tasks are for the Left going forward.

Left Voice

September 27, 2022

A Socialist Take on the Women’s March Convention

In mid August over 1,700 activists attended the Women’s March Convention in Houston Texas. While the participants were driven by rage at the status quo, the non-profit and corporate leaders of the Women’s March offered only a failed strategy of voting for the Democrats and supporting “progressive” capitalists.

Tatiana Cozzarelli

September 16, 2022

Protests throughout Global South Signal International Opposition to Austerity

Across the world, people are fighting back against the rising cost of living and austerity imposed by central banks and imperialist-led organizations like the IMF. For these struggles to win their demands, working-class leadership and organization, along with international class solidarity, are essential.

Samuel Karlin

September 11, 2022

The Imperialist Role of Weapons to Ukraine — a Debate with Workers’ Voice

The question of sending NATO weapons to the Ukrainian government has divided the Left. What position should leftists take on this issue, and what does a perspective for the national independence of Ukraine look like based on the concrete situation?

Samuel Karlin

September 1, 2022

Trotsky’s Legacy Today: Class Struggle, the Left, and the Need for a Revolutionary Party

Yesterday, La Izquierda Mexico organized an event to commemorate the 82nd anniversary of the assassination of Leon Trotsky and discuss the legacy of his ideas today in the midst of a historic crisis of capitalism. Here we publish the intervention of Left Voice member Maryam Alaniz, on the relevance of Trotskyist ideas for socialists in the U.S.

Maryam Alaniz

August 21, 2022