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Latin America

Chile: “The policy of the Communist Party and the Frente Amplio is to negotiate with Piñera”

For the last two weeks, more than a million people have taken to the streets of Chile demanding the resignation of President Sebastián Piñera. The main forces of the reformist left, however, want to negotiate with the billionaire president. In an interview, Dauno Tótoro of the Revolutionary Workers Party (PTR) explains that the reformists’ policy is aimed at subverting the rebellion.

The World is on Fire: 11 of the Biggest Struggles This Year

Around the world, people are rising up. Here is a brief summary of some of this year's major struggles.

Left Voice

November 2, 2019

A Faded Pink Tide? Broad Peronist Coalition Defeats Macri in Argentina

The right-wing government of Argentinian President Mauricio Macri was defeated by the Front for All, the coalition led by Alberto Fernández. Is the new president a counterweight to neoliberalism in Latin America? Is the Pink Tide back?

Ana Rivera

November 1, 2019

New Ties Emerge Between President Jair Bolsonaro and Marielle Franco’s Assassination

A doorman at President Bolsonaro’s gated community revealed that one of the suspected killers of Rio de Janeiro city council member Marielle Franco identified himself as a visitor of Bolsonaro’s residence before meeting with the other suspected killer on the day of Franco’s murder.

Maryam Alaniz

October 31, 2019

Chile and the New Cycle of Class Struggle in Latin America

The revolutionary days in Chile are the high point of a new political cycle that has begun across Latin America. It is not an isolated case, but falls within the framework of the return of the class struggle at an international level, from France and the Spanish State to Hong Kong, through Lebanon, Iraq, and elsewhere.

Matías Maiello

October 30, 2019

Piñera Makes More Concessions After Massive Protest. Chileans Shouldn’t Believe His Promises.

The following article was written by a Chilean socialist in the Revolutionary Workers Party (PTR) following an announcement by Chilean President Piñera that he would reshuffle his cabinet, possibly replacing the heads of up to nine ministries. This came less than 24 hours after more than a million Chileans came out for the largest protests in Chile since the military dictatorship.

Fabián Puelma

October 28, 2019

What Next After Chile’s Largest March in History?

They were the largest demonstrations since the end of the dictatorship. In Santiago, millions mobilized, and hundreds of thousands mobilized throughout the rest of the country. Pablo Torres, a member of the Party of Revolutionary Workers (PTR) argues that Chileans must continue the general strike until Piñera is ousted and the military is withdrawn. Torres also argues for the creation of a Constituent Assembly that liquidates the regime and all the inheritances of the dictatorship.

Pablo Torres

October 27, 2019

“President Macri is Trump’s bootlicker”: A Revolutionary Socialist on the Presidential Debate Stage

The Argentine Presidential elections are today. Meet Nicolás Del Caño, the revolutionary socialist running for President. In the last Presidential debates, he focused on solidarity with the uprisings in Chile and Ecuador.

Ana Rivera

October 27, 2019

Revolutionary Socialist for President: Interview With Nicolás Del Caño

With one day to go before the first round of the presidential elections in Argentina, Nicolás Del Caño, candidate of the Workers Left Front—Unity (FIT-U), discusses the main issues of his electoral campaign and the perspectives of his party.

Left Voice

October 26, 2019