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Middle East-Africa

VIDEO: Turkey After the Failed Coup

Interview with Baran Serhad, Kurdish editor of Klasse gegen Klasse.

Klasse Gegen Klasse

July 19, 2016

No to the coup, no to the AKP!

The Islamist AKP government under President Erdoğan will use the attempted military coup as an opportunity to recover its tarnished image, and to install an authoritarian presidential system.

Mehmet Yılmaz

July 17, 2016

After Orlando: Two, Three, Many Stonewalls

In Pride month, a homophobe named Omar Mateen walked into the Pulse Night Club in Orlando and committed the deadliest mass shooting in US history. It was an attack against overwhelmingly Black and Latino LGBT people, but the media and bourgeois politicians insist on painting this attack as one of “radical Islam” against the American people.

Tatiana Cozzarelli

June 14, 2016

2022 World Cup Qatar: workplace deaths, profits for FIFA

Billion-dollar stadiums and miserable wages for workers. According to a report by the ITUC, thousands will die so that a few can enjoy the World Cup in the stadiums in Qatar.

Esquerda Diário

February 23, 2016

The End of a Dream: From Arab Spring to Bloody Fall (Part I)

On the 17 of December 2010, in the village of Sidi Bouzid, Tunisian street vendor Mohamed Bouazizi set himself on fire. His act was the starting point of a wave of upheavals in the Arab world. Five years later, the region is sinking into chaos and violence. Is the dream of freedom and justice finally burst? This is a two-part retrospective on the Arab Spring –five years later.

Marius Maier

January 14, 2016

Kurdish Resistance Against the Occupation

The situation in Northern Kurdistan continues to escalate: the Kurdish cities are under military siege. The Turkish state murders to seize control. The Kurdish youth however resists heroically. What are the perspectives for the resistance in Northern Kurdistan?

Baran Serhad

December 28, 2015

Kurdistan Workers’ Party: Then and Now

The 37th Anniversary of the founding congress of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) took place recently in Turkey. On November 27, 1978, the party’s founding resolution emerged at a secret meeting of 25 left activists in Fîs, near the Kurdish town of Amed.

Suphi Toprak

December 11, 2015

Hollande Follows Sarkozy and Le Pen with New Security Measures

“France is at war,” declared François Hollande to parliamentarians gathered at Congress in Versailles. A “totally secure republic” is the project to convert the bourgeois republic into a permanent state of emergency.

Révolution Permanente

November 19, 2015

For an Internationalist Working-Class Plan: A Europe of the Workers and Masses

The Europe of Capital has shown its most reactionary face with its xenophobic policies aimed at the “migratory crisis” and its brutal diktats handed down from the Troika, such as those applied by Tsipras’ government against the Greeks. The Europe of the capitalists cannot offer any progressive alternative for millions of workers, youth, women and immigrants.

Left Voice

November 17, 2015