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Worker Struggles in Ciudad Juárez

Ciudad Juárez has sadly earned its fame as the capital of feminicide. With the assembly plant boom during the nineties, Juárez became one of the worst cities for a woman to live in. Roberto Bolaño’s hellish images from La parte de los crímenes in 2666 about a detective’s pilgrimage to document chauvinist violence at the border in the desert of Santa Teresa have undoubtedly become a reality.

Sergio Moissen

February 29, 2016

Microcephaly, dengue and the collapse of public health in Brazil

Working families and poor people are the victims of diseases that need not exist. Thousands of cases of microcephaly and chikungunya, along with hundreds of thousands of cases of dengue, resulting in record deaths, are three diseases seemingly brought about by the same mosquito and spread mainly in poor communities because of successive governments’ abandonment of public health. They govern for the rich, and the poor suffer the consequences.

Gilson Dantas

February 26, 2016

Mass mobilization, political crisis and capitalism in Eastern Europe – Part II

A new period of social unrest has opened up in Eastern Europe. It gives expression to widespread discontent with degrading conditions and disillusionment with not only the political elite, but also – and in extension – the entire process of capitalist restoration.

Philippe Alcoy

February 26, 2016

International Campaign Against Argentina’s New Anti-Protest Law

The Argentinean government has recently approved a new “security protocol" that prohibits the essential right to protest.

Left Voice

February 25, 2016

First Strike against Macri’s government

Public employees in Argentina have launched the first public sector strike with massive protests against Mauricio Macri’s government. They are fighting against layoffs and the criminalization of protest.

Left Voice

February 24, 2016

2022 World Cup Qatar: workplace deaths, profits for FIFA

Billion-dollar stadiums and miserable wages for workers. According to a report by the ITUC, thousands will die so that a few can enjoy the World Cup in the stadiums in Qatar.

Esquerda Diário

February 23, 2016

Gay Youth Brutally Murdered in Chile

On Wednesday, February 17, Marcelo Lepe was assassinated with a shot to the thorax, for being gay. We must call for justice for Marcelo and all others who die because of homo and transphobia!

Gabriela Muñoz Munizaga

February 23, 2016

Debate with the former majority of the New Anticapitalist Party (NPA) in France

The following article includes discussions on the current situation and prospects for the Nouveau Parti anticapitaliste (NPA - New Anticapitalist Party) of France. It includes the debate about participation in the upcoming elections and “new political representations” such as Syriza and Podemos.

Daniela Cobet

February 22, 2016

Repression against the Mapuche people in Chile

On February 10, Mapuche people in Lleu Lleu in Southern Chile were subject to brutal police repression. They were beaten, arrested and their vehicles were burned by state agents.

La Izquierda Diario Chile

February 20, 2016