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SEARCH RESULTS FOR: biden immigrants

Trump Threatens War with Iran for Oil

The price of oil has been collapsing, and last week it reached negative values. Trump’s threats to Iran were enough to cause a rebound in prices. But the effects were short-lived. They expose Trump’s return to “America First” politics in the midst of the pandemic and crisis, signaling the rivalries and competition between powers in the coming period.

Claudia Cinatti

April 27, 2020

Noam Chomsky Is a Liberal

According to the distinguished professor, saying #NeverBiden is basically the same as refusing to vote against Hitler. This is a flawed analogy. If we can learn anything from the early 1930s in Germany, it’s that we must fight against capitalist politicians.  

Nathaniel Flakin

April 23, 2020

Pandemic and Class Relations: The Bourgeoisie Warns of “Uprisings and Revolutions”

The bourgeoisie is being warned: “The most misleading cliché about the coronavirus is that it treats us all the same. It doesn’t, neither medically nor economically, socially or psychologically. In particular, Covid-19 exacerbates preexisting conditions of inequality wherever it arrives. Before long, this will cause social turmoil, up to and including uprisings and revolutions.”

Luigi Morris

April 21, 2020

Trump to Ban Immigration in Xenophobic “Shock Doctrine”

Donald Trump tweeted out an executive order on Monday night banning immigration in the United States. This is a massive and unprecedented escalation of Trump’s xenophobic and nationalistic immigration policy.

Left Voice

April 21, 2020

The Best Plan For 4/20: Worker-Controlled Weed

Cannabis criminalization is part of a larger history of imperialism. An alternative this 4/20? Worker-controlled weed.

Reina Gattuso

April 20, 2020

Capitalism Is a Virus: Interview with Two Socialist Healthcare Workers from New York

As thousands die each day, bodies are piled into mass graves --- these are the surreal images coming out of the world’s dominant imperialist power. This situation was by no means inevitable, but it was prepared by decades of neoliberal policies, as explained by nurse Tre Kwon and Dr. Mike Pappas from New York, members of Left Voice.

Tre Kwon

April 15, 2020

We’re Not All in This Together: No Unity with the Billionaires

Despite its rhetoric of “We’re all in this together,” the government shows that it clearly only has the capitalist class’ interests in mind. The government finds it difficult to cultivate national unity in a divided and fragmented country. The imperialist powers are fighting to see who will come out the winner in this crisis. The pandemic exposes the true face of capitalism but also the power of the working class.

Ana Rivera

April 14, 2020

Requiem for a (Social Democratic) Dream

Just a month ago, many socialists were claiming Bernie Sanders could win the Democratic nomination and the U.S. presidency. Today, he suspended his campaign. What next?

Sybil Davis

April 8, 2020

Sanders Voted for the Latest Corporate Bailout: What This Reveals for Socialists

The U.S. Congress recently passed a $2 trillion bailout package, the largest in U.S. history. Most of the money will go to the wealthiest individuals and corporations. Even though he originally spoke out against it, Bernie Sanders voted for the deal.

Tatiana Cozzarelli

April 3, 2020

Pandemic, the Left, and Workers’ Power

In the face of the economic and public health crisis triggered  by the coronavirus pandemic, the U.S. Left oscillates between mutual aid efforts and parliamentary impotence. We need to take part in workers’ struggles today and prepare for the coming upsurge. 

Juan Cruz Ferre

March 31, 2020