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Students with Disabilities Denied Education, Pushed Out of School

Students with disabilities are routinely pushed out of schools and denied the right to an education. This demonstrates that equality in law is not equality in life.

Francine Almash

July 6, 2017

Women on Strike: Reclaiming Socialism for International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day (previously known as International Working Women’s Day) was created by socialists to commemorate the women garment workers’ strike in 1908. These two aspects of March 8 -- workers’ mobilizations and socialism -- must be forcefully taken up in the Trump era.

Tatiana Cozzarelli

March 8, 2017

Two Sides of the Same Old Coin: Ellison, Perez, and Democratic Party Establishment

Tom Perez won the DNC chairmanship. While some paint this as a loss for the working class, Ellison and Perez are actually two sides of the same coin.

Tatiana Cozzarelli

February 26, 2017

Trump’s Travel Ban: As American as Apple Pie

While Democrats argue that the migrant ban is un-American, they ignore America’s long history of xenophobic policies.

Tatiana Cozzarelli

January 30, 2017

Trump Signs Executive Order Against Abortion

Donald Trump denied funding to organizations that carry out or provide counseling for abortions abroad, thus reviving what has been a Republican policy since 1980.

Betsy DeVos: The Anti-Public School Secretary of Education

Betsy DeVos is, without a doubt, the least qualified, most anti-public school person to ever be nominated as Secretary of Education. Never having worked in, attended or studied public schools, her education experience is in lobbying to dismantle public education.

Tatiana Cozzarelli

December 16, 2016

Carnage in Paris: Hollande Declares State of Emergency

One hundred people killed at Bataclan concert hall in Paris, France: a real carnage. On Friday, November 14, several attacks were carried out almost simultaneously in five Parisian neighborhoods and near the main sports stadium.

Révolution Permanente

November 14, 2015

Does Bernie Sanders Represent the U.S. Left?

Growing international discontent with the political caste system has found its way to the United States. There, though a far cry from the political earthquakes that have shaken several countries in Europe, the alarm bells are still sounding. What challenges do the left face in light of the Bernie Sanders phenomenon?

Celeste Murillo

November 11, 2015

What’s behind the Pope’s Tour to Cuba and the US?

Saturday September 19 began Pope Francis’ visit to Cuba and then, to the United States. The tour will include some important meetings, such as a meeting with Fidel Castro, a meeting with Barack Obama, and other historic visits. Pope Francis will also become the first pope to address the US Congress. As the Pope’s spokesman said, the tour will be one of the “longest and more complex”. The Pope seeks to strengthen the influence of the Vatican on Cuban "openness" and to rebuild the image of the Catholic Church in the eyes of the major world power, the United States.

Diego Sacchi

September 21, 2015

New Mexican Ambassador will Continue the Country’s Subordination to the U.S.

On September 3, Miguel Basáñez Ebergenyi was confirmed as Mexico’s new ambassador in the US, with the blessing of US president Barack Obama. His appointment was proposed by Mexican president Enrique Peña Nieto after the position had been vacant for 6 months.

Tania Vonki

September 12, 2015