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Obama’s Final SOTU: Silence Speaks Louder Than Words

Obama delivered his eighth and last State of the Union address on Tuesday night, full of demagogy and praise of “American values” and his own administration’s achievements.

Juan Cruz Ferre

January 13, 2016

Anti-Fracking Socialist Runs for City Council

During the general elections on Tuesday, votes were cast all over the country, bringing a close to various gubernatorial, state, and local races. The former coal mining town of Lafayette, Colorado saw a near win for Cliff WIllmeng, a working-class militant, socialist, and anti-fracking organizer.

Julia Wallace

November 6, 2015

The Reality of the Drone War

The Intercept has published an in-depth report alongside the release of a number of leaked classified documents on the United States’ drone based assassination program. Much of it provides clear evidence for what critics have long maintained; 90 percent of deaths in a 2013 Afghan operation were not the intended targets, the effectiveness of targeted assassinations is questionable and the program uses a broad definition of enemy combatants which extends to anyone that they can’t prove is not a “military age male.” The documents also help to reveal the persistent challenges which US imperialism faces and its inability to secure a real victory in the occupation of Afghanistan.

Ian Steinman

November 5, 2015

Rhetoric vs Reality in Obama’s Prison Reform

Since July, Obama has made a series of declarations about the need to reform the U.S. prison system. But given his record on incarceration over the past six-and-a-half years, what change can we expect the president to offer now to the 2.2 million people locked up across the country?

Robert Belano

August 25, 2015

“Labor Needs to Get its Own House in Order Around Race”

In this interview, economist and labor educator Michael Yates* talks about the crisis of the labor movement, its relationship with the anti-racist movement, FightFor15 and much more.

Michael D Yates

August 12, 2015

In the 2016 U.S. Elections, money reigns

Enormous contributions in the millions feed the electoral campaigns of of top U.S. presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush. Yet both are losing popularity among voters.

Juan Cruz Ferre

July 21, 2015