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Argentina: XIVth Congress of the PTS

The PTS resolves to publish a daily newspaper and votes candidates for the next presidential election

Two years after the US withdrawal. A new civil war breaks out in Iraq

Two years after the US withdrawal A new civil war breaks out in Iraq In Iraq, civil war has again broken out between Sunnis and Shiites, the two big groups into which the Muslim world is divided. After several days of bloody fighting, there are now hundreds of dead and wounded and tens of thousands […]

Left Voice

June 19, 2014

“Progressive” Governments Against the Workers

“Progressive” Governments Against the Workers Only days after the opening of the Soccer World Cup, the president of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff, had to come out on national media outlets to silence critics of the multi-million dollar expenses for the mega-event. Her government became the target of millions of angry people. Stimulated by the triumph of […]

Left Voice

June 15, 2014

Brazil: For a strong campaign against the layoffs in the São Paulo subway

Brazil For a strong campaign against the layoffs in the São Paulo subway After the end of the five-day strike of the São Paulo subway workers, from La Verdad Obrera we interviewed Marília Rocha, an activist of the great strike and a militant of the LER-QI (a fraternal group of the PTS) and one the […]

Left Voice

June 12, 2014

Spanish State: We must fight for a revolutionary constituent process. For a Workers’ Republic

We must fight for a revolutionary constituent process For a Workers’ Republic King Juan Carlos I has abdicated in favor of Prince Felipe. He is doing it in the context of severe exhaustion of the institution of the monarchy and the worst crisis of the Regime of ’78. Ever larger fissures are opening up, like […]

Left Voice

June 11, 2014

Electoral « Earthquake » In Europe

Electoral « Earthquake » In Europe From May 22nd to 25th, elections for the European Parliament took place in the 28 member-countries of the European Union (EU). With an persistent and sizeable absention, the election revealed a strong political polarization and a weakening of the traditional parties – socialdemocrats and conservatives. The brutal austerity engaged […]

Left Voice

June 11, 2014

Mexico 43 years after the massacre: June 10 and the struggle against repression

Mexico: 43 years after the massacre: June 10 and the struggle against repression June 10 is the forty-third anniversary of the massacre of students perpetrated by the paramilitary group called “Hawks.” On that occasion, dozens of students from different institutions, who were preparing to march in solidarity with the Autonomous University of Nuevo León (which […]

Left Voice

June 8, 2014

Brazil: Four days until the World Cup, everyone unite for the victory of the subway workers!

Four days until the World Cup, everyone unite for the victory of the subway workers! June 8, 2014 On the fourth day of the historic subway workers strike in Sao Paulo, which stopped the economic capital of the country for four days before the opening of the World Cup, the Regional Labor Court (TRT) dismissed […]

Left Voice

June 8, 2014

Brazil: The scandalous actions of the Alckmin government. Stop the firing of striking subway workers!

The scandalous actions of the Alckmin government Stop the firing of striking subway workers! Police arrested 13 subway workers, who are being held at Ana Rosa Station (36 DP street Tutoia, Vila Mariana), and repressed workers and youth who were demonstrating in defense of the metro workers at the station. Jurandir Fernandes, Transportation Secretary for […]

Left Voice

June 7, 2014